HIIT the Heat 5x!

Q: Chilipepper

26 Pax in attendance for a Chilipepper lead Hot HIIT!

PAX: Brutus, Dr Feelgood, Cavalini, Ferrari, Defib, Chum, Steel, Sauerkraut, BP20, RedCard, Ripken, Capn Ron, Manzel, Hang10, Clutch, Lancelot, Stagecoach, Trump, Wolverine, Acuaman, Posh, JimmyDean, Sniper, Zeus, Sir Wallace, Chilipepper.

Five core principles were spoken and heck with warm ups, let’s get Super Sexy!  Mozy, including Nur, Nur Butt Kickers and Nur High Knees,  to prominent location on Cattlemen Rd main street and completed first set, then moved, completed second and so on…

  • Super Sexy!
    • 20 Monkey Humpers
    • 20 Pickle Pointers
    • 20 Pickle Pounders
    • 20 Homer To Marge
    • 20 Hot Chicks

Cycled back We then grabbed waters and headed to the base of the tower.  No Coupons today, my Father’s Day Gift.   Well maybe not a gift after all… Let’s HIIT the Heat!

The Meat Tabata Intervals.

  • Set 1
    • Tabata 8 Sets 20 on / 10 rest Star Jumps
      • Level 1 SSH
      • Level 2 SSH x 3 + Star Jump
      • Level 3 Star Jumps
    • Bear Crawl to sand and back.
    • Rest 30 sec
  • Set 2
    • Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 DipIncMerks
      • Level 1 Dips
      • Level 2 On stairs perform 2 dips then switch over and due 2 Merkins.  Alternate left and right switch over.
    • Crawl Bear to Sand and Back
    • Rest 30 sec
  • Set 3
    • Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Shoulder Taps + Shoulder Reach
    • Turning Bear Crawl to sand and Back.  On Q turn to your right.
    • Rest 30 sec
  • Set 4
    • Tabata 8 Sets 20/10
      • Level 1 Step down
      • Level 2 Box Jump (start on top of box)
    • Double Tap Lunge to sand and Back (lunge then tap knee on floor x2)
    • Rest 30 sec
  • Set 5
    • Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 4×4
      • 4×4 (Burpee, 4 Merkin, 4 mountain climbers) repeat
    • Rest?

Energy was still abundant based on the mumble chatter, so we bear crawled to the top of the tower.



  • 2.0 Beatdown Saturday.  Normal 7:00 AM beatdown followed by Recall led 2.0 beatdown at 8:00
  • Father’s day ride on Longboat key Sunday, starting at 6:00 @ Un-conditial Surrender.
  • Outlaw run Monday 8:30 PM start.
  • Big Guava Tour Challenge – in July, details to come.
  • New Suncoast shirt orders will be up shortly.
  • Cycling Bike Kits open for purchase.
  • Laps 4 Life Virtual 5K registration open.
  • Grow Rucks registrations Open.
  • F3 10 year anniversary convergence registration Open!
  • Bible Study Saturday, 9:15 after 2.0 Beatdown.

Prayers and Praises

  • iSpy Job Offered!
  • Zeus’s M’s Grand-Mothers Passing
  • Stagecoach’s college friends fight for cancer
  • Passports Chemo Treatment.
  • All those injured pax.
  • Police and what is going on in Atlanta.
  • Our Country, Police and all those who are on the front lines protecting and serving