F3 Suncoast : 3rd Anniversary / July 4th Convergence FREEdom TO be LEADers

FREEdom TO be LEADers


Saturday, July 4th, 2020

Siesta Key beach : 79 degrees/ 68% Humidity

QIC: Lancelot * Chillipepper * Sir Wallace

Pax: Jimmy Dean, Trump, CottonTail, LG, Big Mac, Clutch, Bing, Pincher, Nickname Cancel, Snapshot, Stagecoach, Panther, McNugget, Drake, Chillipepper, Lancelot, BB20, Redcard, Earlybird, Terabyte, Messi, Woodford, Papa Smurf, Pyro, Brutus, Defib, Iceman, Coop, Wolverine, Tex, Olympus, Hojo, Speedy, Desani, Sir Wallace, Tug Boat

“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another”      Galatians 5 :13


Warms Up:

*  Agitators  *  Michael Phelps  *  Arm Circles   *   Leg Stretches  *  Motivators  *

Chili’s Mosey around the beach and down through the water, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Neurs, Carioocas x2


Time to Hit the Beach   :  3 Groups

Sir Wallace :  

* 25 Merkins, 25 jump squats

* Sprint to cones

* 20 plank walks (alternate from high plank to elbow plank and back), 20 V-ups

* Sprint to next set of cones

* Rinse and repeat previous routine on the way back to start

* 25 Peter Parkers, 25 Burpees

* Bear crawl to next set of cones

* 25 windshield washers, 25 dry docks

* Crab walk to next set of cones

* Rinse and repeat previous routine on the way back to start

* 25 shoulder taps, 25 triangle Merkins

* Nur to next cones

* 25 Evander Holyfields, 25 big boy sit-ups

* Sprint all the back, aiming to reach your fastest speed”


Chillipepper:  Building Sand Castles

Pax were given (2) 5 Gallon buckets and a few plastic cups.  The challenge at hand, build the most sand castle towers using the 5 gallon buckets.  Easy?  You should only get sand from cones at 30 ft., you could only get water from the crótalos clear waters at 80 ft.  One pax had to stand guard doing SSH while other pax braved the elements getting sand or water.  May the most  ingenuitive and brawn pax win.


Kevin : 1776 The Battle in the Water

Bear crawl to the Life Guard Station ( 500 ft) and run back,    Plank til the 6th

*** All in the Water

76  Flutter kicks

17   Merkins

76  Salsa dips

17  Mt. Climbers

76  Plank jacks

17  Big boys

Bear crawl to the Life Guard Station ( 500 ft) and run back,    Plank til the 6th



Circle of Trust:   In the Water

Thanks for everyone to start the great 4th Holiday  with the HIM of F3 Suncoast. Congratulations on the 3rd Anniversary and how strong this region has become in the past 3 years.

While we are hearing many opinions on what we can do and our choices, (with masks, kneeling, protesting, etc), I asked the Pax to think about the big picture of what we have and the freedoms we have  because of those in the past, who sacrificed for our Freedom, so that we can celebrate today our freedoms & Independence. Reminded that there are pax in our region , who if they were back in their own home country, they could possibly be jailed or persecuted for being able to do what we are doing every morning or being on the beach in a circle of 30+ men, praying.

Special Big “Thanks” to Capt. Ron for playing a large role in putting today’s convergence together. Lancelot’s workout was created by  Capt Ron, however he was unable to post, so I took over for him. Great job Capt.

A grateful thanks to the leaders and HIM from 3 years ago that started this great Region. We wouldn’t be a Strong pax of HIM without you all and so thankful you are all still here to inspire and motivate us all to continue your success, as we move forward.

Praises and Prayer, lead by Drake:

The Pax that were unable to attend, due to their own challenges, Passport, Lori & Sara, Lukas, F3 Crossroads, Rambo & Chaps
*** All Military, Law Enforcement, First responders, Medical Specialist, farmers, and especially
OUR NATION. God Bless America

We created a scene on the beach, but it was because of what we were doing. The image of  a large group of men praying in the water under the (2) Large American Flags & (2) F3 Flags, made an impact on those out there. As Always, F3 showing how Strong we are and how, as ONE, we can make a difference!   God Bless you all!

 Great Job Brothers. We hope you enjoyed the challenges and the uniqueness of the morning beatdown. We are proud of you and inspired by the passion you showed this morning. Blessed and Thankful   – Chillipepper, Sir Wallace, Capt. Ron, & Lancelot