Waking up the Echo Chamber!

Waking up the Echo Chamber!  And hopefully not all the neighbors!


Weather, Humid!  96%, high 70s.

AO: Chilipepper

13 Pax in Attendance:  Mighty Mouse, Captain Ron, Clutch, Ripken, Trump, Baron, Stage Coach, Crab cakes, Brutus, Rowdy, Lancelot and welcome FNG Pudge!

Workout 2 of the Guava tour!

Pax showed up in utter gloom, fearing the inevitable, a Chilipepper beatdown.  5 Core principles were shared and we started on a long mozy which included High Knees, Butt Kickers, Cariocas, strawberry Pickers, SSHs, Side Shuffles.

We then headed to the Thang.  In an effort to awaken the echo chamber we paired up in teams of 2 pax, and proceeded to….

Reverse Dora.  Pax 1 runs court and does exercise while remaining Pax does exercise, then they switch.

  • 100 Burpees
    • Pax 1 runs full court and does 10 Burpee
    • Pax 2 Balls to the wall
  • 200 Spider Man Merks
    • Pax 1 runs full court and does 20 Spider Man Merkens
    • Pax 2 Wall Sit
  • 300 Flutters (Double Count)
    • Pax 1 runs full court and does 30 Flutters
    • Pax 2 Holds Plank


Not all PAX completed, but the effort was made.   Though Echos of a disturbing nature were heard…..

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the LORD.  Romans 12:19



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