Comfort Zone

Weather: 78 & Humid pretty much standard Florida summer morning

Pax: Big Mac, Bing, Messi, Defib, Bubbles, LG, Spark Plug, Sparky, Dash, Bolt, Woodford, Spackler, Lambeau, Chillipepper, Trump, BP20, Red Card, Bullseye, Cottontail, Steel, Cavalino, Lobstah, Wolverine, Olympus, Manziel, Pincher, Stagecoach, Capt. Ron, Sir Wallace, Tug Boat, Wingman, Aquaman.

FNG: Pyro – Welcome Adam!

Started and ended the day with the theme of comfort zone – get out of your comfort zone and lead a Q.

Mozy kicked off down to dog park with a quick warmup of side straddle hops, moroccan night clubs, strawberry pickers, and imperial walkers before the cozy back to a Aqua themed workout. Another area for the HIM who aren’t used to gym workouts.

Workout consisted of 5 stations with 6 exercise of isolation the shoulders, back/bicep, chest/tricep, abs, and legs. Transportation between each station – bear crawls, inch worms, crab walks, crawling spider mans, and everyone’s favorite – a run to the bridge and back.


  • Paypal has been setup for sponsorship to the F3 10 year anniversary
  • Shirt order for the new design is available
  • Next Saturday Q at Siesta Key
  • 4 Grow Rucks remaining this year
  • 3rd Sunday in July Sasquatch


  • Lori’s last radiation has been completed, prayers for continued healing
  • Lukas continued prayers
  • Law enforcement and first responders
  • Our country
  • Elijah 9years old and battling cancer, prayers for him and his parents Beth and Isaac
  • Chris friend of Stagecoach battling cancer prayers for healing
  • Woodfords brother and niece for the loss of their mother
  • Passport chemo