Colosseum Challenge

Weather- 73 degrees with clear skies

Five core principles and appropriate disclaimers were given promptly at 0700. We then set out on a .40 mile mosey which included buttkickers, high knees, toys soldiers, and carioca. Pax were then instructed to grab their beverage of choice and  circle up in the hockey rink which, for today, was known as the Colosseum.

Warm Up

25 4- count SSH

25 4-count Moroccan Nightclubs

10 4-count squats

10 4-count strawberry picker with overhead clap

10 4-count Ave Vigodas

Various upper body stretches


Pax were instructed to pair up for the Colossum Challenge.  The challenge consisted  of 16 stations  set around the perimeter of the hockey rink, each station had two separate exercises.  Every pair selected a station to start at.  Each member of the pair would do one of the exercises for 45 seconds at maximum intensity followed by 15 second transition break at which time they would switch exercises. After the second exercise was completed the next 15 second transition was used to move clockwise to the next station.   YHC used a Tabata timer to monitor the intervals and keep things legit.   Stations were as follows:

Battleropes and plank jacks,  burpee‘s and bear crawl, plank and bicycles, balls to the wall and wall sit, jump lunges and little baby crunches, Merkens and jump rope, wall ball and roll out wheel, jump squats  and jump rope, step ups and bench dips, dumbbell curls and overhead press, around the world and flutter kicks, American hammers and mountain climbers, slam ball and Superman‘s, TRX shoulder Y’s and walk out planks, balls of fire and overhead  ball claps.

Thru a sheer act of benevolence and compassion YHC offered two one minute drink breaks during the challenge.

Once the challenge was completed, we set out on another mosey which was a little over half miles in distance. At the halfway point we stopped and had a set of lunges before making our way back to the Colosseum/hockey rink promptly at 0800 for COT.


Circled up in the center of the hockey rink and account was taken  followed by the Name-O-Rama.  Omaha’s FNG was introduced to the Pax and the naming ceremony commenced.    Brent Thomas was mercifully named Spinal Tap narrowly avoiding the handle “Episiotomy”.


All Pax were encouraged and invited to take advantage of the discount pricing for a few upcoming events. The boo run, turkey trot, and jingle Bell run are all open for direct registration at the cost of $25 for adults and $11 for children participating in the 5K event. Children who wish to participate in the kids fun run may do so at no cost.

Bing reminded everyone of the potluck 2nd F event taking place at adventure park the same afternoon from 2 PM to 4 PM.

Praise reports and prayer requests

Recall lifted up a praise report and announced the birth of his niece Margaret Ann who is 100% perfect and healthy in every way. Glory be to God as  prayers were answered!

Bing requested prayer for a woman battling ovarian cancer.

YHC requested  prayers for Priscilla who is pregnant after having gone through many miscarriages and failed attempts to start a family.

Manziel requested prayer for his family and the hearts of all Pax present grew heavy as he announced the tragic passing of his 24-year-old cousin following a procedure to have a pacemaker installed.

YHC  wishes to thank Ace Ventura for his assistance in set up and offers a shout out to Pincher for doubling down and doing this vicious beat down twice in the same day!