Gloves and hats, really?

Weather: 45 and calm

Gridlock and Defib arrived early for a 5.5+ mile pre-run on the sidewalk heading North from the AO. Good lights are a must for this stretch as they found out.

At 5:15 the pax started fiddling with their watches and began a mosey toward the bridge. A white streak caught our attention and we realized Trump was coming in hot! We doubled back to pick him up and were quickly off once again. Trump and YHC kept a slower pace while the remainder headed off for a 6 miler.

At about the 1.25 mile mark YHC and companion turned around and headed back. The three others found their way to the 3 mile mark before completing the circle of the the last cul-de-sac in Waterleffe end heading back.

Trump and I completed a couple laps around the parking lot to finish up, although most of it walking at this point; I enjoyed the companionship and conversation on this gloomy morning as I had been going at this mostly solo.

Upon the return of the distance runners we circled up for some conversation about how thin our blood had become. Many of our northern friends scoff at us wearing hats and gloves for 45 degrees! Announcements included the upcoming 2 year celebration for our local F3 group. A prayer of thanks was given and we all headed out to complete our blessed day as we enjoyed a stunning sunrise.

Lambeau out.