Sir Wallace Beatdown Board

Warmorama consisted of 400 meter mosey with dynamic stretching muddled in along with wall sits, wall planks and balls to the wall The Thang: 15 reps each exercise then run…

Counting by 2’s

It was a cold start with temps in the high 50’s and a steady wind making it feel like we were in Chicago – ok just kidding but that said…..…

Rolling Stone

5 Principles and Disclaimer Warm up: Good mornings, Abe Vigoda, WMH, Grass Grabbers/Strawberry Pickers, Copperhead squats, LBAC’s, Flapjacks, chinooks, Ray Lewis ——-All Cadence Mosey/shuffle/NUR to Dunkin for 5 Full-Body Merkins, and bone the fish across the…

4 Corner Special

Conditions: 65, dark, low humidity and the smell of bread. The Mozi and Warmup: SSHs, Strawberry pickers, arm circles, MPhelps, Imperial Walkers,Mountain climbers and BBS…. The Thang: We did 4 corners…


5:15 FCP announced with disclaimer. Todays theme = Get Better! Forget the same ole casual workout, it’s time we push harder to achieve better in how we look and feel.…

One Hit Wonders

Full disclaimer – YHC cannot take full credit for today’s beatdown.  The idea comes from F3 Winston-Salem’s own Bluto, who crafted this idea for a kettlebell workout a few years…

Walls of Jericho

5:15a sharp welcomed pax to hard knocks university, five core principles announced, with Teletubby as the sweeper, we got right to the themed beatdown! The Thang: 13 laps with pain…


5:15 FCP announced with disclaimer. Todays theme = Get Better! Forget the same ole casual workout, it’s time we push harder to achieve better in how we look and feel.…

Birthday Lucky/Unlucky

After the 5 Core Principals and the disclaimer, Bing and Condenser took of on thier ruck, so we got started.  We mosied around the smaller parking lot, then started with:…

Lake County in the House

Was it a little less humid this morning?  I think it may have been.  After two months, you can begin to tell the difference. Regardless, it was still insanely sticky…