AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 07/27/2022


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: All The Way, Bing, Callahan, Drake, Mrs. Doubtfire, Sir Wallace, Spartan, Speed bump, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: All The Way

QIC: Spamalot

The BackBlast:

Was it a little less humid this morning?  I think it may have been.  After two months, you can begin to tell the difference.

Regardless, it was still insanely sticky out, so time to go!


Mission Statement, 5 Core Principles, and Full 5 point legal disclaimer given.

Bing and Callahan set off on their ruck.


Warm o Rama

SSH, IST, Arm circles (forward, back), seal claps, jack reachers, strawberry pickers, Abe Vigoda, Merkins – all IC, all x 13




Mosey to end of parking lot.  Circle up.

Today’s workout sponsored by the F3 Deck of Cards (aka Deck of Death).

Pretty simple concept, each card has an exercise listed and the number of reps were as follows:

2-10, add 10 reps to the card value (thus 12-20 reps)

Face Cards – 25 reps

Aces – 100 reps

Alternating turns, each Pax selects a card.  Pax then perform the exercise and corresponding number of reps.

Repeato (2 cycles)


Modified DORA

Pax selected four cards for Dora.

Exercises were:  alt. shoulder taps, plank jacks, and bulgarian split squats.  50 reps each.

Mode of transportation – lunge walk down, mosey back



Pax selected 3 cards.

The exercises were Merkins and SSH.  Mode of transportation – mosey


Circle up for Mary:  LBCs and Low Flutter (x 10 IC)





War Daddy was Spartan (no surprise)

War Baby was Callahan

Welcome to FNG – All The Way (ATW) (Eric Jacobson).  Turns out ATW and YHC grew up in the same area outside of Chicago.  Granted, he is 20 years younger than me.  He is married, no kids.  Recently moved here from Boston.  Works in crypto-security, if I recall correctly.  How did he get his nickname?  He dabbled in the competitive eating circuit for a time.  Apparently, one of the contests involved eating a significant number of Boston hotdogs (“All The Way” – all the fixins!).  As soon as that phrase was heard, the name was sealed…ALTHOUGH, he then admitted that he once (very recently) pissed himself on a drive back from a NCAA tournament game.  We were all thinking that “Depends” would also have been a great nickname.  ATW is a neighbor of Speed Bump.  Welcome!

Announcements/Prayer Requests

Wild Pax – time to sign up.  Stagecoach is looking for volunteers to help plan

10/8 – Laps for Life 5k – see Sir Wallace for details

VMA – see Brutus if you want to step up.


Prayers for:  Bing’s FIL, Bing, Drake’s BIL Rob (doing much better), Drakes’ M, Blair

YHC is very proud of my 2.0 who was just offered a position with The Kennedy Center.


YHC took us out, giving thanks for the gift of life, this day, and these men.


Have a great day!


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