Ft Hamer is LIT

Weather: Slightly warmer The lot of Ft Hamer continues to get more and more full, and it is declared every time we arrive that we should shut this place down…and…

Criss Cross Apple Sauce

Accountability: Wednesday night a certain someone reminded YHC of his Q in the gloom., so with plenty of notice it was time to make a plan. There as of late…

.37 over and over

75 and humid….. YHC arrived at 0500 to find the entrance to the parking lot partially blocked by a motor vehicle and observed Goob walking away from the automobile……YHC checked…


At 5:09am, Bing and Pincher rolled in the parking lot and before the car was in park, Bing had the door open seemingly ready to make his glorious return to…

8’s are great

Clear sky 67 degrees. ‘Today at the Fort we had 3 groups…..neighborhood runners, neighborhood ruckers and a bridge repeater. YHC declared today would be figure 8 day in the neighborhood…


We had 8 at Fort Hamer this morning. 4 of us ran the long 10k loop. The other 4 rucked over Fort Hamer Bridge with 60 pound rucks and and…

Ruckers gonna ruck

At 5:14am, Pincher asked, “who’s in charge of this?”.  Goob spoke up and Pincher’s response was “great. bridge repeats.”  At 5;15, Goob revealed that Pincher was indeed correct.  With mostly…

Omaha Omaha

62 degrees humidity at 94% wind 5mph SSE Apparently YHC’s pre-blast announcement scared some PAX off…this week we had 7 attend the Fort which is one of our lower#’s as…

The fastest growing AO

This time last year, it wasn’t unusual to have just one or two PAX show at Ft Hamer. Now, there’s often 10 or more. It’s regularly the biggest AO outside…

No Comfort Zones Allowed…..

Mostly clear 67 degrees.  Humidity 91%—Fantastic conditions for speedwork On his drive to the Fort YHC, as he flipped through channels on SiriusXM, quickly realized it was going to be…