AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 04/29/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Bing, Blade Runner, Enron, Goob, Jimmy Dean, Lancelot, Manziel, Pincher, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: CrabCakes

The BackBlast:

Clear sky 67 degrees.

‘Today at the Fort we had 3 groups…..neighborhood runners, neighborhood ruckers and a bridge repeater.

YHC declared today would be figure 8 day in the neighborhood 6 runners completed 2 figure eights in the neighborhood. Goob spent the majority of the 45 minute run tying and retying his new kicks.  Blade runner reflected on his Cross Country days and encouraged Enron and YHC to power up the hills and continue that stride down the other side.

Ruckers completed just under 3 miles in the neighborhood and JD worked on conquering the bridge and was glad to share that his fear was not realized.  If you want to know more about that……please ask JD.


Sup/Run Saturday 5/1

Everything GrowRuck 5/14-5/16

Ragnar Appalachian Trail August


Spinal Taps M and her mother are making progress on repairing their relationship

Enron’s 2.0- Prayers for him as he continues to move forward while having to handle challenges from the past

Lambeau’s  M and her health,…..


Until next time at the Fort….


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