AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 05/20/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Bing, Chilipepper, Enron, Goob, Pincher, Spinal Tap, Stagecoach, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:


Wednesday night a certain someone reminded YHC of his Q in the gloom., so with plenty of notice it was time to make a plan. There as of late have been some PAX showing that may not run as fast, heck I’m qualified for one of those not as fast guys. With that in mind the idea was to try to make it less pressured for anyone that showed up this gloom that may not feel they could “Keep UP”. The Route that was decided…it would be the figure 8 with a new spin, hence the Criss Cross Apple Sauce…run style. We would run to the first point of the figure 8 at which faster runners would turn right and not a fast would turn left. Allowing us to cross each other in opposite directions rather than feeling like you got lapped.

Stagecoach was waiting in the parking lot as we rolled in, much surprise to all the other Hammer regulars. Immediately he says I was just going to do bridge…well sorry Stagecoach next time you Q brother, but this ones on me so YHC announced the plan and confirmed that all would participate. Just in time Chili Pepper pulls in and has to rollout the car, as we started the run at 5:15 sharpe.

We worked our way out together then Goob, Spinal Tap, and Enron crossed right, Bing, Yamaha, Chili Pepper, Stagecoach, and YHC crossed left. We worked in 5 miles for the left group and 6 for the right group. All got to see each other at least once during the figure 8 loops. No man at any point was left to run solo this gloom, so if your holding back saying to yourself you are not “fast enough” don’t let that be a “WHY NOT” and just post, please.

As the Q source says, you cannot hold yourself accountable. However we can hold each other Accountable, great work this gloom my brothers!


Nemo visiting soon, safe travels.

Bing’s 2.0 SAT scores results coming soon.

Yamaha’s dad and continue recovery

Goob’s 2.0 successful state race

Stagecoach friend J with his chemo and for his work and the opportunities he’s facing.

For a certain PAX who has mentioned some marital issues, for guidance through that and for our fellowship to help support him.

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