When the planets align

Weather- a lovely morning devoid of humidity above 90%; “it almost feels cool” was stated Goob and Spinal Tap pre-ran and got back at 5:14:53 leaving exactly zero time for…

Hamer Time – and a late Q

Weather: Hot and steamy YHC is outta his routine by not picking up Pincher to clown car to Hamer Time, so he arrived much earlier than normal..and was followed in…

Running through SpiderWebs

Weather- Florida in late May; humid YHC rolled in around 5:12am and similar to last week’s posting, saw many of the unusual suspects.  Upon eyes actually focusing, Goob noticed Huey,…

The Unusual Suspects

YHC was a fill in for the Q today, but had the pleasure of leading the unusual suspects through the Big Loop. Bing, Crabcakes, Gridlock, Goob, DeFib, Enron, Yamaha being…

Easy Easy…. For a select few

Weather- actually not bad; 65 and low humidity. Bing tried to ruin it by stating how great the mornings has been. Spinal Tap started running around 4:30am for some EC.…

Modify and Modify Again

Weather: Steamy Having received a 4:30a text from our Q, calling for a replacement due to some sinus congestion, the plan was made up on the fly, but is there…

Over the bridge and through the woods

Yamaha re-aggravated an injury, so the Q was open and YHC made it easy. Over the bridge, through the dark, spider web laden, wet sidewalk section into Waterlefe for 6ish…

Hopping Down the Bunny Trail

Weather: 69F, 85% humidity, perfect morning for some up-tempo running. Welcome: After a quick EC warm-up, YHC greeted the pax with the 5 core principles and obligatory disclaimer along with a quick…

On the Fly

Weather: Perfect Upon arrival, we were informed that our scheduled Q had jacked his car up..literally.  Somehow a jack was necessary to change a light bulb in his headlights.but I…

Days old McDonald’s

Weather- summer muggy but dodged the thunder and lightning and rain.  So we got to run. At 5:14am and change, Goob started laying out the plan of the day.  As…