A Rowdy Scrum

Weather:  Cool (55 degrees) with heavy dew

Had a solid turn-out of 22 pax for a split Q with Rowdy and Scrum.  No FNGs.

Rowdy took the first half of the Q. Pax started with a mosey to the bridge, where we performed lunges for the full length.  Then, pax formed a circle in the grass on the other side for the warm-up.


  1. SSH x25 IC
  2. Strawberry pickers x15 IC

The Thang

Around the Lake Dora.  Rowdy lit up the pax with an extended Dora.  Pax partnered up.  One team member ran around heron lake, while the other performed the following exercises.  Upon return, the partners switched.

  • 300 Merkins
  • 200 Carolina dry docks
  • 100 Big boy sit ups

This took a while to complete.  Pax assisted other teams until all exercise debt had been paid.  Then, the pax moseyed to the basketball court, where Scrum picked up the Q.

Bricks, Blocks and Jugs.  Pax then divided into 4 groups.  The basketball court had 4 stations, one on each corner.  Each station had 3 sets of 2 pairs of exercises.  Group would exercise for 90 seconds at each station.  They would repeat the 2 exercises in each pair until time was called.  Then, the groups rotated to the next station.  This continued through all 3 rotations, with 12 exercise pairs total.

Station 1:

  •     x20 American Hammer (with jug in hands) and x20 Imperial Walkers (holding jug)
  •     x20 Big Boy Sit-ups (with jug in hands) and x20 Hello Dolly (holding jug in air)
  •     x20 LBC (with jug in hands) and x10 Superman

Station 2:

  •     x20 Squats (holding block) and x20 Step ups on block
  •     x20 Lunges (holding block) and x20 Decline Merkins (feet on cinder block)
  •     x20 Calf raises (holding block) and x10 Burpees

Station 3:

  •     x20 Berkins (Merkins on bricks) and x20 Peter Parkers (on bricks)
  •     x20 Plank Punch (with bricks in each hand) and x20 Mountain climbers (on bricks)
  •     x20 The Swimmer (with bricks in each hand) and x20 SSH (with bricks in hands)

Station 4:

  •     x20 Cowbell swings with block and x20 One Arm High Merkins (one hand on block – 10 each side)
  •     x20 Overhead press with block and x20 shoulder taps
  •     x20 Bent over row with block and x20 curls with block (both hands at once)

This rotation ran for about 25 minutes.  Then, the pax completed the workout and circled up in the middle of the court.

Praises / Prayers:

  • Safe travels for Bing
  • Prayers for Shelly – vertebrae issue
  • Yamaha recovery
  • Rowdy and situation with his girlfriend


  • Upcoming 5k Runs:  SUP & Run, Superhero 5k (next year sign-up open)
  • Ronald McDonald House with Bring out the Ministry in June