F3 Suncoast 3rd Anniversary Beatdown

Weather: Gloomy

Virtual QIC: Bing

Pax: on Zoom:  https://zoom.us/j/371492216

Today marks a very important day in the history of F3 Suncoast.  3 years ago today, we planted the flag and launched as a mustard seed for F3 Nation. 5 men joined on this glorious day, and a comment was made that this is exactly what this community needed and that we would have hundreds in our presence in no time.  Drake was exactly right!

3 years ago, the core principles were recited as such:

  • Are free of charge
  • Are open to all men
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust

And the mission of F3 Nation as:

F3 is a national network of free, peer-led workouts for men. Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

With no space for a true mosi, we will mosi in place. Listen for the calls of butt kickers, high knees, and the random burpee in the mosi.

COP includes:

  • SSH x20 IC – Silent
  • Mountain Climbers x10 – Silent
  • Hello Dolly x10 IC- Silent
  • Windmills x10 IC- Silent
  • Merkins x10
  • Peter Parker x10 IC- Silent
  • Monkey Humpers x10 IC – Silent

The Thang:

To start the thang, we need to celebrate another special day, so please join me in doing 46 merkins to celebrate my birthday! Hey, at least it isn’t ShamWow’s birthday!

Find four corners and a center point in your workout space (driveway ideally – but not the whole driveway Chili or Ripken, yours is way too big) – it’s time for a starfish style beatdown. Each round will include two exercises and a mode of transportation.  You are to execute both exercises in each corner of the driveway, always coming back to the center, doing both exercises at the center also. Total count will be 15 of each at each corner.  After each round, return to your camera and do Side Straddle Hops waiting on the 6.

Rounds are as follows:

  1. Round 1: Merkins/ LBCs – Mode: Bear Crawl
  2. Round 2: Salsa Dips/Pickle Pointers – Mode: Lunge Walk
  3. Round 3:  Leg Lifts/Carolina Dry Docks – Mode: Toy Soldiers
  4. Round 4: Box Cutters/Big Boy Situps – Mode: Nur

Next Up – A round of Jack Webbs.

  • 1 Merkin x 4 Overhead Claps increasing to 10 Merkins and 40 Overhead Claps

Depending on time, we will do a round of 11s at each end of your driveway.  Exercises will include Monkey Humpers (street side) and Star Jacks.  Starting with 1 Monkey Humper and 10 Star Jacks, ending with 10 Monkey Humpers and 1 Star Jack.



  • 2nd F zoom gathering.  April 1 – 7pm.  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/451534246?pwd=OU9NanNjSS8xbXJRNGFLeVEvUGRYUT09
  • Continue to push yourselves brothers.
  • Check in on as many of your brothers as you can during these times.  Haven’t heard from someone in a while, Facetime, call or text them, don’t hesitate
  • We continue to monitor the CDC Recommendations and look forward to gather once again soon.


  • Praise for this amazing group of men called F3 Suncoast
  • Prayers for all those impacted by COVID-19
  • Prayers for the front line on the virus – nurses, doctors, first responders
  • Prayers and praise for Hayden Pressly Felton
  • Prayers for Lukas and ISpy
  • Prayers for Trump and his new home
  • YHC Brother-in-Law

It’s an honor to lead such an amazing group of HIM, not only today, but for the last 3 years.  I am completely humbled by the success of this region.  F3 Nation had low expectations of success in Florida after a launch in Tampa failed, Orlando was small and Jacksonville was not flourishing.  Along came the Florida Miracle, and history has been written.

Thank you to Drake, Sterling, Recall and Stryker for joining me on Day 1, and thank you to the rest of you for following us along on this journey.  May God continue to bless this region and continue to allow us to grow, plant and serve in any capacity we are called on to do!


`Bing Out