Hearts on Fire

The Rocky Workout

Warm, partly cloudy
Tues. 3/31/20

virtual beatdown blast: Q = Sir Wallace

This will involve some running  ( 1.5 miles total ) with various exercises worked in between. (You can bring a medicine ball or soccer ball in your Ruck for modified Merkins, but not required)

If you can’t perform the exact exercise, just find the next best option to make it work.

When completed, post a pic or video of you doing part of the Rocky Workout for bragging rights along with your namorama on GroupMe.


Easy mosey out the house until you find a good location to work ( mix in high knees, butt kickers, side shuffles, nur on the way).

15 Strawberry pickers with overhead clap

15 navy seal burpees

15 big boy sit-ups

15 Carolina dry docks

Bear crawl  ~50 meters

It’s a Rocky thang!

Run: 0.5 miles

Complete the following exercises:

Recommended location: park bench, picnic table, crosswalk railing…

High jumps, 50 reps

Modified muscle ups, 50 reps

Alternating leg tricep dip, 50 reps

Run 0.5 miles

Alternating step-ups, 50 reps

Bulgarian split squat, 50 reps

Jab 50 reps + Cross punch, 50 reps

Run 0.5 miles

Using ball, alternating one arm Merkins, 50 reps

Leg lifts, don’t touch ground, 50 reps

Invisible jump rope while forward small arm circles, 50 reps then backwards arm circles, 50 reps

Bonus: ( for over achievers )

***Perform 50 pullups***

Recommended location: playground with monkey bars

Follow an “every minute on the minute” (EMOM) protocol. Do half the number of reps you can do in a single set EMOM until you reach 50 total reps.

So if you can do 10 reps, do submaximal sets of 5 reps for as long as you can until you reach the total or you need to bump the per minute rep total down. Your goal is to complete this rep total in as few sets as possible.

If you can’t do at least 5 pullups, modify with bodyweight rows, jumping pullups, or 50 sets of 10-second hangs from the bar.

Optional cooldown:

When you finish this workout, triumphantly fist pump like Rocky.

Don’t forget to add raw eggs to your post workout protein shake!



Desani new born baby!


To all the Pax managing their lives while still squeezing in workouts in a COVID-19 world.


For Bing and family coping with loss in their life

For iSpy’s boy Lucas for continued health

For Trump new house deal

Lord, God you are worthy of all glory, honor and praise. Your love and mercy is endless and your kingdom is everlasting. I ask that you keep us close to your protection. Free us from any anxiety that may torment our mind. Give us loving hearts that wills the good of others. For those who have went astray, I hope they repent and turn to you, so you can heal them. In Jesus Name, Amen.