Adventure Park 5k

Warm-up: Mosey around the parking lot and trail with Butt kickers, Carioca, High Knees and lunges incorporated into the warm-up.


SSH                                      x10

Imperial Walkers              x15

Mountain Climbers         x15

Flutter kicks                      x15

Merkins                              x15

LBCs                                    x15

Monkey Humpers             x15

To show solidarity with our brothers running the SUP & Run 5K the Pax ran a 5K around the trails with a fun mix of exercise stops thrown in. Exercise list as follows:

Squats                                      x15

Merkins                                   x15

Hello Dolly’s                         x15

Shoulder Taps                     x15

American Hammers        x15


Moroccan Night Clubs   x25

Olympus demanded a set of burpees, so not to leave any request for additional beatings left uncomplete after finishing our 5K the Pax engaged in 10 burpees at your own pace. After finishing we were left with a few minutes and we did a quick round of Mary. Olympus chose jump squats, Pincher chose more burpees, Blade Runner chose knees to elbow planks and I chose Big Boy Crunches all in cadence.

There was plenty of whining on all parts of this massive cardio beat down but everyone put in a great effort and we completed the work out as a team.

Prayer’s: Pinchers M is going in for an appointment to take a look at issues she is having with her legs. Prayer for the Pax running the SUP & Run and our community as a whole.

Welcome Blade Runner to the Pax!