White Flag Run

With a quick recital of the core principles… oops forgot the disclaimer .. we ended off for a quick Mosy around the parking lot for some butt kickers, karaoke’s and a nur before circling up.

We did some SSH’s and Strawberry Pickers before explanation of the Thang.


The PAX was going to run out of the parking lot and head north on Greenbrook heading towards SR70. There were 4 stations along the 1 mile path each having  4 ( 2 on the right .. 2 on the left) white flags each with exercises .. on the way out you did 25 reps of the flags on the right … there was single flag at SR70 which said Burpees… on the way back you did 25 reps of the other 2 exercises… for a total of 415 exercises over a 2 mile run.

Station 1 = Merkins, Shoulder Taps, Plank Jacks and CDD

Station 2 = American Hammers, BB Situps, Peter Parkers and Freddy Mercuries

Station 3 = Jump squats, Side Lunges, SSHs and Toy Soldiers

Stations 4 = Moroccan NC’s, Imp Walkers, Left Lifts and Flutters

Station 5 = Burpees

When you got back to parking lot everyone did a round of 11’s doing Merkins and SSH’s.

With a  few minutes remaining round of Mary with LBC’s , Heels to Heaven and Hello Dolly’s.


Continue prayers for Drake, Pincher’s Wife, YHC mom’s travel this weekend, and all the PAX that are recovery.

New Biking AO on Tues morning at 6:30am at Wawa on SR70 for a 1 hour ride.

Reminder that today is the last Wed of the month and we will all be meeting at Pinchers on Main St. at 6pm.