Fear or Faith

Weather: 75 and a gorgeous sunrise!

The pax was in the parking lot and ready to go!!  Always a great sight to see when pulling up 10 minutes early.  Not only were they all early, they were ready to get after it!

After the disclaimer was shared and the 5 core principles were reviewed, we took off for a mosey to the top of the hill for a speed round of COP:

  • Windmills x10 IC
    • SSH x10 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x10 IC
    • Imperial Walkers x10 IC
  • Hillbilly Walkers x10 IC
    • SSH x10IC
  • LBCs x10IC
    • SSH x10IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10IC
    • SSH x10IC
  • Peter Parkers x10 IC
    • SSH x10IC
  • American Hammers x10 IC
    • SSH x10IC
  • Box Cutters x10IC
    • Merkins x10IC

To get The Thang started, we all lined up for Burpee Wave, where the pax are in plank position.  Starting with position 1, the pax each does 2x burpees all the way down the line, remaining in the plank position until it’s your turn for the burpees.  With 9 in attendance, we rinse and repeated, but with 3 burpees for round 2.  YHC was quickly reminded that this AO, Burpees aren’t necessarily needed to be in the Weinke as the Lions habitat next door provides that anyway.  At this time, we had 4 on the roar as the lions must have woken up and started growling.

After a short mosey over to grandmother hill, it was time to partner up for a classic Dora 1-2-3.  Partner 1 does the exercise while Partner 2 runs down the grandmother hill trail and then back up.  The partner pair collectively did 100 Overhead Claps, 200 LBCs and 300 Squats.  This was a massive challenge as the pax really pushed themselves on the hill! And apparently we upset a yoga lady as she was “First” to the hill and we disturbed her viewing of the sunrise.  Frankly, we kind of a ugly site when we are getting after it!

Next up was time for some merkin triangles.  Starting at point 1, 10x merkins, lunge walk to point 2, 10x merkins, lunge walk to point 3, 10 x Merkins and then finish with 10x merkins at the end.  This was done 2x for good measure.

The pax then lined up for an extended mosey back to the bottom of the hill, indian run style.  The Q can’t be blamed on the extended portion, as it was Condensers idea to go the long way. I really think he is challenging himself to run the half marathon with YHC in November.  Just saying.  At this point in time, the pax started to spread thin a bit, as one or two had to stop to spill some merlo, which is an honor for the Q.  Kudos to Snapshot, Kotter and Clutch for going back out to bring in the six after the extended mosey.


Having read the Q Source blog this morning, it was shared that we have 2 forces working within us. Fear and Faith.  You make the decision to feed one or the other.  If you chose to feed fear within, you are mostly like to limit your potential and carry a negative tone through-out your time and relationships.  When choosing Faith, you chose to trust in a higher power and let go of any anxiety and negativity in your ways.  We are reminded to place these fears at the foot of the cross, and trust in Sky Q to watch over you and show you the way.


  • Sign up for the F3 Suncoast Retreat
  • Care2Tri run
  • Farm Bureau skeet shooting – See Sniper
  • October 20 Picnic – more details coming


  1. Injured Pax
  2. Praise for great news for James’ cancer scans
  3. All unspoken prayers

It’s always an honor to lead this group and men, and I commit to make the trip south more often, as I love the camaraderie and spirit of the pax that post at Celery Fields…oh, and I love the hill training!!

Bing out!