Virtue in Leadership Required

Weather- 70+ and humid!

QIC: Bing

Pax: Posh, Ripken, Capt Ron, Bing, Goob, Bubbles, Rowdy, Wolverine, Stagecoach, Aquaman, Olympus

It was an extra gloomy dark morning with a fairly widespread power outage, but nothing will get in the way of these high impact men getting after it!

5:15 struck, disclaimers shared, and core principles reviewed and off we went for a mosi including Butt Kickers, High Knees, Carioca x2, toy soldiers and leg stretches.

COP included:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Seal Jacks x20 IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • LBCs x10 IC
  • Pickle Pointers x10 IC

Thang 1:

It was time to take a trip to the ATM, no, not for money, but to withdraw some pain.  ATMs started at 5 and worked our way downward and included:

  • Alternating Shoulder Touches In Cadence
  • Tempo Merkins (4 count)
  • Merkins – OYO

Thang 2:

After a mosi to the tennis courts (apparently basketball courts cause COVID-19 because they were locked).  We created 4 pyramids on the 4 tennis court sides for the Bearmuda Triangle and some additional modified pyramids.

  • Bearmuda Triangle – 1 Burpee, bear crawl, 2 Burpees, Bear Crawl, 3 Burpees, Bear crawl back to starting point – x 3 rounds
  • Squats/Lunge walk – 5/10/15 Squats at each angle x3 rounds
  • LBCs/Crab Walk – 10/15/20 LBCs at each angle x3 rounds

Round of Mary – with only 5 minutes left, we mosied back to the parking lot for a quick round of mary.  All in cadence, regardless of how good you are at it.  Freddie Mercurys, Burpees (Posh found something he’s good at cadence with), Slow sit up on 3 count, SSH, and one or two others were called.


Virtue – Leading/acting in a moral way.  We are in a time of high emotions and it is imperative that we chose to lead in a virtuous way.  We all are working hard to get ourselves right physically, spiritually and emotionally.  but are we beginning to apply ourselves as leaders in a virtuous way?  We are seeing leadership brought to the forefront with all of the current situation between law enforcement and government.  We are also witnessing a world of enormous amount of social media.  People are looking to video and share everyone’s actions.  We have positioned ourselves as leaders in our community, and we need to be virtuous leaders.  Let those camera’s and social media shares be F3 Men being a good example in the community.  We lead for the betterment of the community, not for social media praise, but we need to be able to show and do good in this world.  Make decisions for the virtuous reasons, aye!


  • Need Comz Q to step up
  • Looking for 1st F and 2nd F Q replacements – get with current leadership team
  • GrowRuck Midwest registration is open


  • Quickdraw’s health
  • Sparky and his family
  • Goob’s friend Ben and his test results today
  • Aquaman on his job search
  • Aquaman’s former co-worker who underwent experimental surgery for cancer and her test results pending
  • The family of Marvin – head of AMI Kids who passed away this week.
  • First Responders/Doctors and nurses – especially our brother Defib

It’s always an honor to lead this group of HIM.  Thank you for taking trips to the ATM and Bearmuda Triangle with me today!

~Bing Out