“Walk this way with a One Man Band”

Q: Lancelot       Pax: Lancelot

Weather: It’s May in Florida, ask me 5 minutes from now,  then another 30 minutes,   then when I get to Longboat …

Well it looks like I was on my own, so today’s message will focus about being “Alone”. I took advantage of it and had my own Running AO, surprised? Pre-ran 6, so why not head across the bridge & on to Longboat.  As always, when running solo, I think about my life with work, F3, church, my Knights etc, and w/ things attempting  to get back to normal, how will my new leadership roles evolve with the various facets of my life.

The THANG: Run to Longboat with a Playlist of Old Dominion

So much of leadership training is about team-building and collaboration. I say, “That’s all very important, but there will come a time when you will have to stand alone and say, ‘This is wrong’ or ‘This is my responsibility—I don’t agree with you, and I’m going to do what I think is right.’– Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense

It’s one of the great paradoxes of leadership.  In order to lead, there must be followers. Yet, in many of the most crucial leadership situations, it’s up to the leader, who stands alone, to say aloud that which must be said. It might be painful for the leader or the audience, but so be it. These are the moments when true leadership shows its face

.Does it take courage? Yes.        Does it require a moral high ground? Absolutely.

true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent

COT:  Ended up with 18 at the Statue

Announcements:  Comz Q needed          Mid-West GrowRuck            F1 & F2 Leadership roles

Prayers: I Spy and his Son,    Goobs continued prayers for Ben,        DefibsFamily

All First responders, Medical Specialist, Law Enforcement, Military, Farmers, and those who provide necessities to keep this Country going Strong

Blessed to be a part of you all and happy that we can all become Stronger as ONE!  – “If a man hasn’t told you this today, I love ya Brother”

  • Lancelot