The Lancelot, the sequel.

Q: Chilipepper

10 PAX in attendance: Snapshot, Captain Ron, Train, Chum, Steel, Papa Smurf, Sir Wallace, Lancelot, Stagecoach, Chilipepper.

Welcome to FNG Chum!



5 Core Principles – emphasis on I’m not an expert.. maybe a little crazy..

  • Free
  • Open to all Men
  • Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Peer led
  • End with Circle of Trust

The Mozz, dam,.. with a coupon!

The pax grabbed one 10 pound coupon and we proceeded to do a Mozy comprised of right arm overhead, left arm overhead, Nur, Nur high knees, Nur buck Kickers, Parallel right arm, parallel left arm.  We then grabbed one additional coupon and headed to the base of the tower.  We circled and performed 10 strawberry pickers, 20 Michael Phelps, old Fart back stretches and completed an odd Merken coupon pull with messed up cadence… ok so I was exited and wanted to bring on the bucket.

  • DORA Relay – The Lancelot, the sequel.
    • PAX 1 Places 4 or more coupons (40+ lbs) in bucket and attacks the tower, alternating hands at each landing
    • PAX 2 performs the following, incrementally.
      • 100 – Burpees
      • 150 – Hand Release Merkins
      • 200 – Decline Carolina Dry Docks
      • 250 – Box Jumps
      • 300 – LBCs
    • PAX 1 returns from the vertical ordeal PAX switch and continue with the grind
  • With 1 minute to spare, Jailbreak to the top of the tower for COT.

Though the task was nearly impossible in the time allowed everyone pushed themselves.  May times we are confronted by impossible looking challenges.  We need to lift these up to the sky Q and take a deep breath and break things down so we can manage.  Short term goals, long term vision.  Like Stagecoach said last week.  Sometimes we hit road bumps.  It may look like a mountain but in reality it is small and manageable.   Matthew 6:34 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


  • Grow Ruck KC registration still open, registration ends end of July
  • 4th of July Anniversary Convergence at AP
  • Ragnar Registration Open – Frist Week of Dec
  • Q sheet is wide open, take a spot, take a full Q, stet up a Co-Q, step it up!

Prayer Requests

  • Trane’s M and family, responding well to treatment
  • Ripken’s M and family
  • Sparky and his family
  • Quick Draw
  • Cap. Ron’s First Day of Work.
  • First Responders, Frist Line Workers Troops, and military!