Santa’s Ladder

Weather: Florida muggy

QIC: Bing

Pax: Sniper, Pincher, Bing, Lancelot, Wolverine, Trump, Posh, Mugsy, Manziel, CottonTail, Brutus, Goob, Big Mac, Capt Ron, Cornhole, Crabcakes, Bubbles, FIFA, Olympus, Stagecoach

5:15 rolled in as quick as Lancelot did from his meager 15-mile sub 8-min pre run. Disclaimer and core principles reviewed along with the F3 Credo of Leave no man behind and leave no man where you found them.

Warmorama included:

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Seal jacks x 15 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x 15 IC
  • LBCs x 15 IC
  • Plank series
  • Merkins on down count
  • 2x Laps with usual warm up motions

After reviewing the exicon in detail, it was decided that the pax was missing some Santa’s Ladder in their lives. Like a Jacobs Ladder, start by running to the opposite end of two tennis courts and doing 10 burpees, returning to the start and then right back to the end for 9 burpees, planking for the six once the 6th set was completed. The first Santa’s gift given was completing 5-1 with Merkins instead of Burpees. Plank for the six once done because we leave no man behind.

Up next was the second gift. Same routing, with Merkins 10-6 reps and then Burpees 5-1. The pax were thrilled to receive this gift.

Santa’s Ladder!

Now it was time for 2 rounds of 4 corners.

  • Lbcs 10, 20, 30, 40 (run)
  • Squats 10, 20, 30, 40 (nur)

Last 10 minutes was a round of Mary with cadence count ONLY

  • Freddy Mercury
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Slow Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Many other delightful things

The pax were encouraged to seek out a man that appears to be left behind throughout their day. See how you might be able to help them begin to accelerate!


  • Outlaw trail run – Monday Night
  • Fathers Day cycling – 30-40 miles 20 mph. Leaving unconditional Surrender at 6a
  • 2.0 workout on Saturday 8a, following 7a Bootcamp. Bring all 2.0s
  • Grow rucks open for registration
  • Shirt order opening soon. Stay tuned


  • Sue is coming home
  • Lifting up Cornhole and some personal trials
  • First responders and military
  • Our country
  • Remainder of spoken prayer requests and unspoken requests

Always an honor to lead. ~Bing Out