BigMac and the Levels of Doom

weather – a blessed 80degrees with just the right amount of breeze.

PIA – 14

QIC – Rowdy

515am – greeting, 5 cores, disclaimer

517am – mozy

520am – warm up – SSH (16ik), Windmills (16ik), Mt. Climbers (16ik), Peter Parkers (16ik)

525am – Levels of Doom – 1st floor – 25 pull ups or rows, 15 single arm rows (each arm), up to top, down to 2nd floor – 10 lunges (each leg), 15 jump squats, up to top, down to 3rd floor – 25 Freddie mercuries (each leg), 10 heels to heaven, up to top, down to 4th floor – 30 dips, 25 incline merkins, up to top, all the way down – 20 big boy sit ups, 25 American hammers (each side), jail break! – banjo bear crawl, round’a’mary – Redcard (5 burpees), SirWallace (10 timed merkins)

6am – COT

announcements – outta town  GrowRucks (talk to Lancelot), Gatekeepers mens group (talk to Wolverine and/or Trump), T-Shirt orders going out soon (Lancelots new logo!)

Praises – beautiful morn, health for us and our families, businesses and jobs are going strong…

Prayers – Wolverines buddy Bob and family, Rowdies home situation (financing), Sue and MamaPepper, 1st responders and families, the innocent as well as the guilty, the sick and the well, medical staff, elderly caretakers, leaders and decisions…

Anyone or anything I forgot I apologize. F3Suncoast. Respect. Rowdy out.