Weather: 70s and pleasant
Pax: Jimmy Dean, Sniper, I Spy, Bing, Pincher, Zipp, Cotton Tail, Posh, Zipp

The pax circled up at 6, did a modified COT and headed down Lorraine. It was obvious that Zipp and Pincher had some pent up need for speed so cotton tail jumped on that speed train while the remainder of the pax took a more leisurely pace (18.5 mph vs 21 mph avg). It was a great morning of fellowship and even better getting a few miles in the saddle with I Spy and getting updates on Lukas.
- Shirt order open
- Cycling kit order open
- Newsletter emailed
- For Lukas and his continued recovery from heart surgery
- For first responders and law enforcement
- Our country
- Family of son who is now paralyzed and will be coming home soon
Always an honor to be with such a great group of HIM. Aye!
~Bing Out