QSource | F1 Disruption

QSource | F1 Disruption

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7 Pax kicked off our new 3rd F study: QSource. This is a 50-week study and will take us all the way through 2019. The material has been developed by the leaders of F3 to help men learn and master leadership. All Pax are invited and encouraged to attend. If you have not read the PreBlast Introduction yet, please take a few minutes to read it.

Foundation | F1 – Disruption.


Disturbance to the Status Quo


Matthew 10:34 (NIV) Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.


  • What do leaders do?
  • What effect does leadership have on the status quo?
  • Is there a common characteristic shared by leaders who leave a legacy?


Leaders influence movement to advantage

  • A leader is a person who can influence people to do things that they would not have done otherwise.
  • Without him, they would remain static and focused on maintaining the status quo.
  • People will only overcome their inertia and follow someone if they believe that he knows where he is going.

Because it induces movement, leadership causes Disruption

  • Leadership wrenches people away from the place at which they were determined to remain.
  • Being both Disruptive and agitating, leadership will naturally make people uncomfortable, at least until they begin to see for themselves that they are being led to a place of advantage.

A great Leader’s legacy is built on love

  • People will follow a Leader when he is in the room. People will continue to follow a good Leader when he has left the room. But only a great Leader is able to influence movement to advantage even after he has died.
  • In the way that a lawyer or doctor practices his profession from the standpoint of service to his client or patient, the great Leader’s focus is always upon his followers rather than himself.
  • The great Leader knows that if his love is not great, than neither will be his leadership.


  • Leaders influence movement to advantage
  • Because it induces movement, leadership causes Disruption
  • A great Leader’s legacy is built on love

Homework for 1/26 | F2 – Language.

Thoughts for the week:

How has the theory of leadership changed over time? Does the culture have any effect upon the language of leadership? Is there one common language of leadership?