Pull ups

54degrees and windy. 14brave men. 1job…lets do dome pullups.

515am-welcome, disclaimer

517am-warmup-dynamic stretch (imperial walkers, windmills, agitators, toy soldiers), in honor of big mac being with us a big sexy mozy (cone weave, high knees, 10 pickle pounders (ik), butt kickers, 15 pickle pointers (ik), karaoke both ways, 10 monkey humpers (ik), nur)

525am-dora-bing deck-up tower or around the base for the run and the teams goal of 500 pullups (modify as necessary)!!

555am-core circle (10 American hammers (ik), 10 bbs (ik), flutter kicks for the last minute+)


Praise Reports-a beautiful morning full of possibilities, breath in our lungs, fire in our hearts to get up get out and be somebody!

Prayer Requests-Sham WOW’s daughter Deborah and her knee surgery. prayers for the doctors, recovery and healing. Tranes M Sarah and Ripkens M Lori as they fight on with surgeries scheduled! prayers for these 4 warriors and their families, peace love unity, for the doctors, recovery and healing. Goobs homie Ben starts his treatments this week!! prayers for strength and for the doctors as well as peace love unity for the family. Prayers for our brave fighting men and women over seas and here at home in the form of our 1st responders with a special eye on Sniper, Zeus n Hercules!

It’s been a long 15 hrs. Rowdy out. F3Suncoast. Respect.