4 brave souls won the morning

The weather was a chilly 46 degrees under a star-filled sky.  It was a beautiful morning that didn’t feel as cold as it sounded.

4 brave PAX- Goob, Ripken, ShamWow, and Sir Wallace overcame the fart-sack on the fine gloom post Super Bowl

After the PAX discussed the recent slippage in attendance on Monday mornings, we realized no one was on Q.  It was decided that each man would take a 10-12 minute chunk to divide the blame equally.

After a two lap mosey encompassing the perimeter of the parking lot, ShamWow took the warmup.  It included his now world famous rope climbs, Jimmy Dean’s bad back stretches (which Goob especially appreciated), along with a myriad of other more traditional stretches/movements.

At the conclusion of stretching, Sir Wallace immediately stepped up and invited us to the pavilion for a 10 minute session of moving your own body weight.  Dips for 3 minutes, merkins for 1 minute, incline merkins for 1 minute, step ups for 1 minute, and some other various movements used to torture the PAX that I can’t currently remember.

From there, Ripken took over with the brilliant idea of completing a 7.  Covering the length of the pavilion with a bear crawl, one end had big boy situps while merkins awaited at the other end.  At that point, our shoulders were completely shot and useless.  Ripken also tried out some deconstructed SSH and used us as his fodder.

Finally, Goob moved everyone to the parking lot for a miniature repeat of his Nolan beatdown two weeks ago.  The initial round was a sprint, a side shuffle, a sprint, and another side shuffle.  Then, at each corner of the parking lot, a prescribed number of 5, 10, 15, and 20 exercises awaited.  Salsa Dips and Plank Jacks were performed.  The mode of transportation was a sprint.

That concluded the make shift beatdown and the four HIM won the day.


  • Night to Shine Feb 7th at Bayside
  • Bridge-A-Life 5K Feb 15th
  • GoRuck


  • Beautiful morning


  • Ripken and Trane M’s- impending surgery and ultimate recovery
  • Ben- Goob’s boy in NC begins treatment tomorrow
  • First responders
  • All injured PAX for speedy recovery


Always an honor.