Police Awaiting our Return – Monday Morning Madness

Weather  70 and drizzling occasionally.

5 Pax arrived 15 minutes early to get in a mile fun run and returned to the lot to find two Sheriff officers awaiting our return.  Not only were they Sheriff officers, but SWAT members.  Should we be concerned? Heck no, it was Sniper with an FNG!  We are likely the most protected Pax in the nation! Maybe we need to change their names to Ponch and John?

After a full disclaimer and the 5 core principles were reviewed, the pax took off for a mosey around the parking lot including butt kickers, high knees and Karaoke x2.


  • SSH x 40 IC (wow- couldn’t get the pax to break down on this count)
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x40 IC – yup, that caused some mumble chatter
  • Strawberry Pickers x10 IC
  • LBCs x10 IC
  • Homer to Marge x10 IC

After a mosey over to the EchoChamber (roller hockey rink), the pax learned of their fate for the morning.  First up was some starfish exercises.  Starting center rink and hitting each face-off circle.  The goal was to hit the middle of the circle, not just barely make the outer ring.  A set of 10 exercises at each circle.  First set was Lunge walk with 10 Monkey Humpers, second was Bear Crawl with Merkins.  That was brutal on the legs and then arms, but we all got stronger.

After 3 laps of Indian runs around the rink (roller derby style, or Chili Pepper speed style), the pax partnered up for some cross rink challenges.  While partner 1 peoples chair, partner 2 Nur (run backwards) to the other side of the rink and did 10 squats and Nur back to send off partner 2.  This was done for 5 sets.  Second round was a bit more challenging with Balls to the Wall while partner 2 sprinted across the rink and did 10 Moroccan Night Clubs and sprinted back.  BTTW is a lot of fun when your feet are above the rink boards and bouncing on the fence.

2 more laps of Indian Run and a quick mosey back to the parking lot to round out the morning.

The Pax welcomed a truly High Impact Man.  As Sniper described him, John Cox, now known as Zeus (named after a great Dog of his) has touched the lives of more children than any single person in Sarasota.  He started Camp x-Ray for troubled youth and is always active in the community.  I am convinced that F3 Lakewood Ranch just got better having Zeus as a part of it!


  • If you are available on 2/9, sign up to volunteer at Night to Shine.
  • Welome Zeus
  • May 19, SUP race and 5k benefitting wounded warriors. Sarasota SUP and 5k


  • ShamWow (YHC Father) is recovering at home from his surgery.  Continued prayers for healing.

Need another reason to post on Wednesday?  It’s a Ripken Q which means it promises to be an epic smokefest, but it is also a rare Super Blood Blue Moon morning – only happens every 36 years and has NEVER happened before over an F3 Beatdown!  Be there to see it! Learn more here: First Thing I googled to find it.

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