Hamer Time

Weather: 60’s and foggy at times. 5:15 rolled around, the pax were welcomed and it was declared that today was Figure Eights…and that is what we did.  Ruckers headed for…

Let’s Do This

Weather: Mid 50’s 5:15a struck and the pax were eager to hear the plan…well, at least the direction in which we were going to run.  Many are in the midst…

Full Contact Match Game

Friday past, on the Eve of Christmas Eve, the pax gathered for a beatdown that turned into a beatup. The pax arrived to see an array of papers spread to…

… so let it be done!

WX: 61 degrees and perfect for some holiday spirit when 11 Pax who gathered in the gloom to sharpen themselves a little to open the weekend. YHC shared the 5…

And a Burpee just for meeeeee!

WX: 69 degrees and some humidity met the 10 Pax who gathered in the gloom to start the fight with the post-Thanksgiving and pre-Christmas and New Year’s bulge that plagues…

The Return of Pincher

Weather: 69 nice degrees with outer outer bands of tropical storm winds After months and months of running, biking and swimming a lot (so I’m told), Pincher made a triumphant…

Condenser 5 year

Arrived to see Chilipepper and Sir Wallace going hard at the pre Insanity workout. Good work brothers! started off with the mission statement, and the five core principles. Added disclaimer…


Beautiful Day in the gloom. YHC showed up ready to roll with log coupons for the beatdown. Confusion about was the Q. Bing was ready, but yielded (rightfully so) since…

Some went left and some went right

A slightly cooler Thursday morning allowed for a nice fellowship pace run at the Fort.  YHC declared the 6.2 mile loop would be the course today.  Huey opted to do…

Shut it Ripken, that is a fountain

As Goob rolled into the parking lot around 5:05am, numerous vehicles were already vacated as PAX were out and about.  At 5:15am, Goob went through the 5 core principles and…