AO: Dixieland - Monday

When: 11/28/2022


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bing, Pincher, Pork Roll, Posh, Rapino, Sonic Boom, Spamalot, Spartan, Stagecoach, Teletubby, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

WX: 69 degrees and some humidity met the 10 Pax who gathered in the gloom to start the fight with the post-Thanksgiving and pre-Christmas and New Year’s bulge that plagues almost all of us this time of year.  CoT saw Bing and Posh join following a significant run of their own.  YHC shared the 5 core principles and the  somewhat standard Disclaimers.  This beatdown was built around the 12 Days of Christmas.

Warm-up was a Mosey consisting of:
– high knees
– butt kickers
– karaoke (switch)
– toy soldiers
– 10 SSH IC

4 corners route for “12 Days” — do 1 Burpee at the start; mosey to the next corner and do 2 Jump Squats and 1 Burpee; mosey to the next corner and do 3 CDDs, 2 Jump Squats, and 1 burpee and so on until all 12 exercises have been completed at one stop (see below).
– 1 Burpee
– 2 Jump Squats
– 3 Carolina Drydocks (CDD)
– 4 Big Boy Situps
– 5 Merkins
– 6 Step-back Lunges (3 each leg)
– 7 Moroccan nightclubs IC
– 8 SSH IC
– 9 LBCs IC
– 10 Overhead Claps IC
– 11 Shoulder Taps IC
– 12 Crunchy Frogs IC

11s drill (MOT: mosey from sidewalk to second row centerline)
– Squats & Plank Jacks

Core samples (2 sets)
– 20 LBCs IC
– 20 long swimmers IC
– 20 box cutters IC
– 20 push the rock IC
– 20 flutter kicks IC


Announcements: Ragnar could use any and all willing bodies to help with any lap they think they can (I couldn’t find the signup link so contact @fireball regarding time slots);  12/14 at Bradenton Salvation Army Christmas Party ( scroll until you see the event) — need at least 10 guys to volunteer — you can donate via Ripken’s Venmo (@SteveMartin-Ripken) if you’re inclined but can’t attend — Motorworks to follow.

TaPs: Long list which is common this time of year (let’s look out for each other) — Spartan’s friend Mike Flipiano (spelling?) suffered a heart attack and is presently in a coma — prayers for him, his family and the attending staff; ongoing prayers for Condenser and 2.0 Fisher that communication and relationship would improve; Snapshot’s sister needs a heart procedure, but has other health issues causing it to be delayed — prayers that circumstances would allow for care to address greatest needs in a timely fashion; Porkroll requests prayers for his girlfriend who is battling seasonal depression up in NJ; prayers for Brutus and challenges at home (others may know specifics); prayers for Teletubby’s knee that it would heal while allowing continued modified exercise; Prayers for a safe evolution for Sonic Boom (and all involved) who is attending a tactical event related to Israeli Special Forces in some capacity.

Lots here to digest… not unlike any Thanksgiving leftovers still lurking in your fridge!  Have a great week!

-AirWolf, Out

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