
I’m horrible about doing these on time.  This time is no different.  Next time will likely be no better.  But one day, when I do make a backblast on time,…

Phony Burpee

This workout is borrowed from an idea called “Minutes” from F3 The Fort: Stand in a circle. Do one exercise for one minute. Rest for ten seconds. Repeat until 45…

F3 Nation 10th Anniversary @ AP

F3 Nation 10th Anniversary @ AP 70 Degrees: Beautiful Morning 29 HIM headed down to the Basketball courts of Adventure Park   10 years ago on this day in a…

Thurmanator’s Ladder of Pain

PREP:  This Q slot was open as of 9 days prior, and YHC was aware that frequent visitor F3 Thurmanator was DR from Greensboro, so we agreed to co-Q.  There…

Burpee Town

Conditions:75 and clear! Mozi and Warmup We circled the bridges and did the usual… high knees, kerioke, Nur and jog. We then circled up for SSH, Imperial Walkers, Michael Phelps,…

Across the Pond

Thanks to Lancelot for suggesting the British joke in the title of this Backblast. Also for his Photoshop skills that cut off our heads in the photo above 🙂 Heritage…