When: 10/06/2020


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Bubbles, Cavallino, Condenser, Freon, Lancelot, Sir Wallace, Trane,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Posh

The BackBlast:

Thanks to Lancelot for suggesting the British joke in the title of this Backblast. Also for his Photoshop skills that cut off our heads in the photo above.

Heritage Harbor is an excellent AO sites with lots of areas that haven’t been used yet. I decided to use the pond for the first time. There’s a 1.5 mile path around Heritage Harbor pond. Our workout was 1 minute of transportation, followed by an exercise.

  • 1 minute of high knees, then 10 SSH
  • 1 minute of butt kickers, then 10 strawberry pickers
  • 1 minute of karaoke, then 10 LBS
  • 1 minute of high skips, then 10 merkins
  • 1 minute of lunges, then 30 Jungle-boy squats

After the pattern was established, the PAX took turns suggesting a mode of transportation and an exercise. This way, YHC didn’t get the blame for suggesting a bear crawl for transportation (Condensor) or 30 merkins into Carolina Dry-Docks (Sir Wallace). I did get to call the final exercise (burpees) as we finished our loop of the lake and arrived back at the parking lot at 6 am.

Prayers for Sarah in her battle against cancer. Prayers for Condensor and other PAX trying to keep their minds right in 2020. Prayers for Bubbles and other PAX trying to navigate at work.

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