AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 05/21/2021


Number of Pax: 23

Pax Names: Ace, Bing, Brutus, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Clutch, Coop, Crabcakes, Dasani, Drake, Hardhat, Jimmy Dean, Pincher, Pyro, Ripken, Sir Wallace, Stagecoach, Thor, Trump, Wolverine, Wormy,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Megladon

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

When YHC rolled into the parking lot around 4:35am, he was surprised to see many cars.  Several had already ventured off on a pre-ruck which they may come to regret in short order.  YHC and Crabcakes completed one loop of the lake while Pincher was already circling the park on his bike for miles and points.  Moral of the story- there was significant EC activity meaning guys are getting after it and getting better everyday.

Upon return from the pre-run, YHC was greeted by a full parking lot full of brother awaiting a beat down.  Not wanting to let them down, yours truly had a recycled beating planned complements of Crabcakes from Monday morning.  Only 3 people experienced the fun so being the inclusive type he is, Goob asked for permission and stole the workout.  At 5:15, in the presence of an FNG, the 5 core principles were explained and the mozy commenced.  The mozy took us to the base of the tower with high knees, butt kickers, and a brief NUR where SSH were conducted in cadence.  Wanting to deliver the true experience of the tower, a jailbreak was called.  Once back at the bottom of the tower, we planked for the 6.  From there, the PAX finished the mozy with a Carioca on each side and finished in the opposite corner of the parking lot.

The plan was then laid out.  At each corner of the rectangular parking lot, we would perform a pre-determined number of a prescribed exercise and then run to the next corner.  Small detail, it was an escalating ladder.  Corner 1- 5 merkins.  Corner 2 through 4- repeat.  Upon return to corner 1- 5 merkins, 10 squats.  Repeat at corner 2 through 4.  Corner 1- 5 merkins, 10 squats, 15 LBC’s.  You get the point.


5 merkins, 10 squats, 15 LBC’s, 20 wide arm merkins, 25 calf raises, 30 flutter kicks, 35 overhead claps

All said, no one was left to workout solo and the mileage covered ranged from 1.86 to 2.26.  Great job fellas.



Saturday’s AP beat down is in honor of the police force.  Show up at 5:15 for the pre-ruck if you desire.



  • Sarah, Trane’s M, had an extensive surgery but is home and recovering well
  • Lori, Ripken’s M, continues to recover from surgery last week
  • Drake’s son Dillon is in the Sarasota County Jail but had the felony charge dropped
  • GrowRuck was completed without injury
  • Crabcakes mother-in-law, Charlene, continues to struggle placing pressure on his family
  • JD’s customer with open cranial surgery
  • Drake’s friend, Chuck, has stage 4 liver cancer
  • Chilipepper has a family friend with a debilitating spine infection
  • Bing has a coworker whom was isolated for 11 days due to Covid.  Jonathan opened up to Bing and is searching for a group of friends.
  • Ace has a 93 year old client questioning his integrity despite just trying to do the right thing.  Continued grace in that situation.
  • Thor and all the teachers as they complete the year.  The kids as they complete the year that call school their safe place and may not be going back into stable home situations.
  • Firefighters, first responders, doctors, nurses, police, etc that are on the frontlines every day

Always an honor men.


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