Beta Max First Q

We started off with an acknowledgment that this was my first Q so things could not be held again me and the PAX reluctantly agreed. After providing the core principles,…

Via Dolorosa

Today not only is Good Friday and I wanted to reflect on this day when we remember that Christ did for us.   Stations were set about 50 ft apart.  …

5 Year Beatdown

Welcome to YHCs 5 year anniversary beatdown.  More on that later.  The 5 core principles  were given along with the disclaimer and mission statement.  Time for a mosey and a…

Brutus SubstiQ

Pre-blast: No time.  Last minute Q in place of Kotter, who had a sick 2.0 @ 3:24AM… PREP:  Whip out an old weinke.  Right? WEATHER: 69 and kinda humid 5:15AM:…

The Grinder (Double Dora)

Pre-blast: None. PREP:  No time. WEATHER: warm-ish 5:15AM: 5 core F3 principles.  Welcome (back) to C-PAP – it’s been a hot minute! WARM UP: parking lot mosey with 2 stops…

Burpees? Why Not?!

As the month of January comes to end, what better excuse than to incorporate some Burpees into the beatdown? As YHC pulled into the AO at 5, Sir Wallace and…

Merkinening Around the Christmas Tree

Weather: Gloomy The pax were eager and ready to go after watching some of the Insane Clown Possy pax wiggle across the turf prior to the Bad Clown launch.  Letting…

22 years later, remembering Eric

There was one other Pax, who ran with Clutch…did not catch his name.  Cobains. 22 years ago, one of my best friends, Eric Miller died.  As part of F3, YHC…

And a Burpee just for meeeeee!

WX: 69 degrees and some humidity met the 10 Pax who gathered in the gloom to start the fight with the post-Thanksgiving and pre-Christmas and New Year’s bulge that plagues…

Abs with ABBA

Pre-blast posted on Slack, including Beatdown title here, threat that it would be much worse than can be imagined, and to bring a towel or mat for your tailbone.  It…