AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 12/02/2022


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Big Mac, Brutus, Callahan, Cat 5, Chilipepper, Clutch, Condenser, Jimmy Dean, Mrs. Doubtfire, Pyro, Sir Wallace, Spartan, Teletubby, Usher, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spamalot

The BackBlast:

There was one other Pax, who ran with Clutch…did not catch his name.  Cobains.

22 years ago, one of my best friends, Eric Miller died.  As part of F3, YHC tries to honor my friend.  This was this year’s attempt.

Mission Statement

5 Core Principles


SSH, Michael Phelps, Moroccan Night clubs, strawberry pickers, all IC, all x 22



When I met Eric during our freshman year, I lived in Owen Hall, SE 103.  Eric was in SE 101.

Partner up – exercises:  Merkins, LBCs, Squats.  101 reps each.  Non exercising partner run to end of grassy area and then back.



Eric was 30 years old at the time of his death.

Line up on the long side of the grassy area.  Perform 1 SSH.  Then mosey to other side, perform 2 SSH.  Then back to other side for 3 SSH. Continue this pattern until 30 SSH.  Note:  This was excessive.  Very excessive.


Tennis time – lateral movement

In high school, Eric was an all-state tennis player.  Lateral movement is important for tennis players.

Apollo Creed (side shuffle) the length of the grassy area.  Then continue to front of store front.   Then perform:  10 Erkins, 10 Derkins, and 10 Dips.  Mosey back to far end of grassy area.




Circle up for MARY.


A few exercises were called. The bulk of the remaining time was spent telling the Pax the rest of the story of Eric’s death.

The very short version is that he was murdered by his wife.


If you are interested, here are some links that will provide the details:


Thank you all for the support during COT.  Thank you Condenser for the name o rama.

You guys are the best, and I appreciate everyone who reached out.

F3 is so much more than a workout.








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