Too Many Humps

Weather: very gusty and soupy, but, rain held off At 515 YHC reviewed the 5 core principles quickly as we saw 2 sets of headlights approaching. Penalty burpees for Goob…

Pain Station

71F with 73%humidity Warmorama: Mosey around parking like including buttkickers and high knees. Circled up for Salsa Dips, arm circles, plank calve stretches, burpees in cadence, hill billy walkers, alternating…

Captain Thora

Weather: 65 degrees, clear and breezy After last Monday’s debacle of a beatdown, YHC was honestly shocked to see anyone show up this morning. Luckily, those who were there apparently…

The Hotter the Chili…

AP this Saturday hosted dual workouts.  One workout for those pax that are in rehab led by Lobstaah and the other looking for a bit more burn, lead by Chilipepper. …

Who Wants a Lobstaah Roll

At exactly 7:00 am, on a comfortable low 70’s Saturday morning we started by covering the 5 Core principals and welcoming Silver Bullet to his first in-person beatdown.  This was…

No Q needed

Bubbles, Trump,Griffin, Stagecoach. No Q showed up at 5:15 so Trump and Stagecoach took the lead. 5 Core principles covered Mozy including butt kickers, high knees and karaoke to the…

Morons and Metallica

At precisely 5:15am, Goob announced it was time to start the beatdown.  Once he figured out there were no FNG’s, he quickly ran through the 5 core principles- highlighted by…

Ring of Fire at University Corner!

Weather: Not raining – but the mosquitos were in full effect. Disclaimer was shared and it was beatdown would have limited running, so we took off to run, a very…

Wheels up 5:15

SRQ  AWOS  ( automated weather observing system) Wind  090 at 05 Visibility  10 Sky  clear Temp 24c Dew Point23c Density Alt  1200   At 5;15 there was no Q in…


On September 4th, I crossed the “Respect” mark and forced 27 others to play along. Most wearing pink for reasons to be determined later. The beatdown started with the recitation…