AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 09/15/2020


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Cavallino, Crabcakes, Goob, Lobstah, Mugsy, Olympus, Pincher, Posh, Pudge, Ripken, Sir Wallace, Sniper, Stagecoach, Trump, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather: Not raining – but the mosquitos were in full effect.

Disclaimer was shared and it was beatdown would have limited running, so we took off to run, a very short distance, over to a great spot for Circle of Pain which included:
1. Imperial Walkers x10 IC
2. Moroccan Night Clubs x40 IC
3. Copperhead Squats x10 IC
4. Wheezy Jeffersons x10 IC
5. Flutter Kicks x10 IC

The Thang:
Today’s thang included three courses of pain which were as follows:

1. Bearcrawl Beast – 4 lines were set across the parking lot and we did 6 reps of 6 exercises at each line. Mode of transportation was Bear Crawl (sorry, I can’t sprint so this was a modification). Starting at first line, bear crawl to second and do 6 reps of 6 exercises then bearcrawl to line 3, exercise, line 4 and then return. Exercises were Merkins, LBCs, Squats, Wide Arm Merkins, American Hammers and Burpees.

2. Course two was a bear crawl inchworm. Two lines were created, planking head to toe. Last pax in line bear crawls to the front of the line until all pax have bear crawled forward. Two sets were completed in an effort to get us to course 3.

3. Ring of Fire. 10 cones were set up with exercises listed at each cone. AMRAP for a set period of time. Round 1 was 1-minute per station. Round 2 was a speed round of :30 per cone. Exercises were as follows: Big Boy situps, Merkins, Burpees, Run laps around the ring of fire, Flutter Kicks, Carolina Dry Docks, Squats, Monkey Humpers, Moroccan Night Clubs, Freddie Mercury.

Best part about a timed workout versus a count limit is the levels of mumble chatter, because clearly counting it too hard to multi-task. Even with very little running, the sweat stains were a plenty around the ring of fire!

YHC learned a lesson of patience while trying to recover from my ankle injury. Patience doesn’t come easy but having a very supportive pax behind sure helps! Take a moment today and reach out to a brother you haven’t seen in a while and offer an ear or lending hand. Remember, we leave no man behind, or leave them where we found them!

1. 10 Year Anniversary beatdown registration open.
2. Give 2 Give campaign is launching in 2 weeks. The F3 Foundation is launching a fundraising campaign in October so we are able to tackle larger projects in our communities nation wide. Similar to what we did with the kitchen renovation, but possibly as great as the pax in Charlotte buying a hotel to create a mens shelter. More details to come.
3. Beatdown at the beach on Saturday to celebrate Wolverine turning 50. 7am start at siesta key.

1. Praises for the great news on Lori’s benign biopsy!!!!
2. Prayers for the pax who are struggling with injury, mental battles and stress with work/life/whatever it might be
3. First responders and our country

It is great to be back in the gloom and I thank all of my brothers for the support and encouragement I received while out. Please give this same support to others as it makes a huge impact!

~Bing out

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