Lost our Heads

Warm-o-Rama: 340 yard run with dynamic stretches then Carolina dry docks, imperial walkers, American hammers and leg stretches. The Thang: 4 corner drill Start: 5 burpees, 10 hand release merkins,…

Heritage Harbor Lake Loops

Back at the mosquito breeding ground this morning we were glad to see a new face this morning, thanks for coming out spamalot.  We started with warm up consisting of…

New Site Q for Monday Winn-Dixieland is who?

Merkins abounded and the mumblechatter abated during this tabata-style beatdown. 14 regular pax were joined by 4 runners; WX: 76 degrees and humid, but no precip., so it was a…

Death by Abs

Hey, it’s VQ week.  Or new Q where you’ve never Q’d week. With that in mind, YHC decided to take on the toughest AO in the whole region.  However, with…

All Proper and Stuff

Mozy,  a round the rotunda.  High Knees, butt kickers, Nur..  Upon return we circled up and Thunder Struck.  SSH and burpee on Thunder.   We then reviewed a few basic…

Tabata Time!!!!

YHC got to the mosquito infested parking lot around 5:05 and immediately applied my carcinogenic bug spray.  Chili looked as if he had beaten me there by a couple minutes…

Hangover beatdown

I am not going to lie. Last night it was a rough one with some adult beverages included. That said, I would NEVER leave my fellow brothers hanging at HH…

Marys Around the Lake

The theme of today’s workout was personal responsibility and following through on your commitments … 1.5 mile jog with about 15 stops at the benches. Rotating through the group, one…

Wheel of Misfortune – 300 level

Solid crew at HH.  Almost all the regulars, and a cameo by Passport down from Winston-Salem. Mosey with the usual drills and a simple ladder warm up. 10 burpeee 20…