When: 06/14/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Curds, Mugsy, Sir Wallace, Spamalot, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spinal Tao

The BackBlast:

Back at the mosquito breeding ground this morning we were glad to see a new face this morning, thanks for coming out spamalot.  We started with warm up consisting of some strawberry pickers, Michael Phelps, Agitators, Abe Bagotas and arm circles.  We then fired up the headlamps and headed out around the lake in a single file line led by YHC.  the last person ran to the front and then the next person ran to the front so on and so forth until I was back in the front at which point we stopped for exercises each cycle through.  We started with 1 rep and each time we stopped the reps increased by 1 and the exercise changed, it played out like this;

1 – Muffin Top (30 seconds each side) , 2- Donkey Kicks, 3- High Jumps, 4- Break Dancers, 5- Big Boy Sit Ups, 6- Walking Planks, 7- Burpees, 8- Carolina Dry Docks, 9- Flutter Kicks, 10- Merkins, 11- Peter Parkers, 12- Jump Squats, 13- Mountain Climbers, 14- Shoulder Taps, 15- Freddy Mercuries, 16- Monkey Humpers

We made it about a lap and a half around and things were going well until we got to the second round of walking planks and to protect my fragile little elbows I decided to do them in the grass.  The problem was I landed right in a fire ant nest which led to a sprint back to the parking lot while screaming and crying like a 10 year old girl.  After washing off my arms and a little help form Mugsy and hit trusty blanket I’m happy to announce I survived.  We finished with a round of Mary, Plyo Merkins, Low Flutter Kicks, Climb the Rope Crunches, Plank Jacks and American Hammers.  Good times this morning……this is Spinal Tap, Tapping out.

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