When: 05/03/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Chilipepper, Mugsy, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spinal Tap

The BackBlast:

YHC got to the mosquito infested parking lot around 5:05 and immediately applied my carcinogenic bug spray.  Chili looked as if he had beaten me there by a couple minutes and set off on a pre ruck, I assume he is getting ready for the CSAUP on May 14th with the rest of the crazy people.  I decided to go back to a Tabata workout as it has been a while, I’ve been experimenting with other workouts with subpar success.  We went 30 seconds on with 15 second rests.  There were 4 exercises that we went through 3 times to make up a round and there were 4 rounds, they looked like this:

#1 – Break Dancers, Merkins, Jump Squats, Plank Jacks

#2 – Burpees, Lobster Rolls, Flutter Kicks, Dry Docks

#3 – Mountain Climbers, Apollo Onos, Donkey Kicks, LBCs

#4 – Monkey Humpers, Hand Release Merkins, American Hammers, Al Gore

Usually we run a lap between each round but in the interest in time we just ran across the parking lot and did a NUR back.  We ended up about 3 minutes over but the pax was very forgiving and I am forever grateful.  I plan on doing various forms of tabata going forward with different twists because of the wide variety in different forms of pain you can squeeze into 1 workout, so…..something to look forward to.


This is Spinal, tapping out

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