The Merkin 500!!!
Crisp day here in Sarasota. Path gathered at UTC Mall for a Chilipepper lead beatdown. I introduced myself and 5 Core Principles and disclosures were shared. Mozy!! A few…
Crisp day here in Sarasota. Path gathered at UTC Mall for a Chilipepper lead beatdown. I introduced myself and 5 Core Principles and disclosures were shared. Mozy!! A few…
NOTE NOTE NOTE – this was a Guest / DR Q by Puddin’ Pre-blast: YHC advised Suncoast via Slack of the DR Q. Tepid response with 3 HC’s. And 21…
YHC and Snapshot arrived at 0430 for a little EC. YHC headed off on a 4 mile pre-run which was cut a mile short because of extreme lower abdominal pressure,…
Today is a day to raise up PAX who are facing challenges. Our thoughts are with Mrs Doubtfire today. Welcome to FNG Fonzi! Today was a “Magic Bucket” workout. It…
YHC did not want to Q today; but when the alarm goes off, it is time. The gloom was a perfect temperament with high 50s and a little breeze to…
Weather: 65F and perfect, even even with some moist air. Welcome: YHC and Defib wrapped-up an 0415 EC ride so the stage could be set just right. YHC greeted the…
“Learn to play the hand we’ve been dealt” CAT 5: Welcome all & new FNGs 5 Core Principles: Free Open to All Men Held Outside Peer Led on Rotation Ends…
Weather- 61 and lovely YHC rolled up around 4:50 and noticed two unoccupied vehicles and 1 occupied sheriff deputy vehicle. Two things were possible- two PAX were out running already…
Weather: Splendid 5:14a rolled around and we started early to share the mission statement and core principles and to welcome our FNG. The Ruckers went their way and YHC led…
Missed this BB. Recording for counts. My bad. Bad Nantan. Payment will be 50 non-burpees that look like burpees, but aren’t actually