1776 Patriot Games v. 2023

The Suncoast PAX rallied with 48 strong including a handful of down range men who traveled to join us as we met for the annual 1776 Patriot Games. (Most notably…

Emergen-Q at Publix

Late-ish Thursday, the plea went out. The Q for Friday had major car trouble. Somebody else would need to Q in the morning. YHC stepped up (and immediately looked at…

90 Miles to Cuba

Today we took up the burden of our fellow PAX members Chilipepper and Sir Wallace as they delivered on their word to perform an insane amount of Burpees for Cuba!…

Dinghy’s Elevators

Convinced my 2.0 to come back out again finally. We pulled up shortly before 5:30. Guide Dog followed soon after us. 5:30 rolled around. Disclaimer and preamble were given. Then…

Downrangers Return Home to Centennial Park

After a long absence, the fab four of Port Charlotte F3 gathered at Centennial Park. It was old home week Tuesday, with one pax returning from the Mediterranean, and another…

Pyramid Scheme

‘Everyone loves a good Pyramid scheme’…this is probably the first and last time you’ll hear this phase. Started this morning with a quick mosey in the 75 degree FL weather.…

Droppin Blimps

Like the Hindenburg, it went down. After a warm up we got after it. Round 1 x 2 B – Burpees x5, L – LBCs x 10, I – Imperial…

The Murph & Passing of the Flag

Today was a day to honor the fallen soldiers that gave us all our freedoms.  After the 5CP and Mission statement, PorkRoll led us off with the singing of the…