Not Just A Walk In The Park

Weather:  Steamy HOT It was great to hear of some of the mumblechatter the night before about a few new guys to come and ruck with us…and one who hasn’t…

Hightower 374 WOD and more

Weather: Fantastic YHC was excited to be back on Q, especially at the Ruck AO, so YHC spent some time inviting a bunch of folks we haven’t seen in a…


5 Principles + Welcome FNG + Disclaimer Warmup mosey to bank for Moroccan nightclubs, overhead claps, seal claps, little baby arm circles, reverse arm circles. Mosey with NUR + butt…

The Magic Bucket

It was great to see wide range of PAX this morning. There were the regulars, plus we also had: Newcomers such as Usher Long-standing PAX such as Jimmy-Dean Visitors such…

Let’s make today COUNT

Weather:  Splendid 5:14a rolled around and we started early to share the mission statement and core principles and to welcome our FNG.  The Ruckers went their way and YHC led…

Monday after the Superbowl

Weather…….Cold and windy YHC returned from a 3 mile pre-run with Goob to find a lot more PAX than he expected on this post Super bowl Monday.  At 0515, YHC…

Ruck them Sholders… away..

The e PAX received disclaimers and 5 core principles from Mr Clean and then the Ruckers broke off for a Ruckin Beatdown. We did a quick Mozy to get warmed…

Groundhog day + 10

It was perfect weather for a groundhog day beatdown that also happen to fall on 2-2-2022 , so might as well use them both into the beatdown.  Repetition and the…

Whole Body Ladder

5 Core Principles and Disclaimer were shared with the Pax on a mild and clear morning (58 degrees) at the University Corner Beatdown AO. Ruckers joined the Beatdown to support…