SanFrancisco/Ripkenlines and Gridlock hill

65f and dark… oh yeah, early Chore principals and disclaimers mentioned Mozi  the usual The Warm up SSH, strawberry pickers, Merkins,Michael Phelps,arm circles and “Bad Back Stretches” The Thang  Ripken…

Let Me Clear My Throat

Running is over-rated (that phrase is trademarked by Pudge). It’s bad for the knees and makes you all sweaty. So we decided to do an entire beatdown without any running.…

All the World’s a Stage

9 days late and $4 short.  No long winded Brutus Backblast this time – just capturing the attending pax and the highlights. YHC pre-blasted that something special would happen.  well,…

Via Dolorosa, the Way of Suffering.

10:11 PM Lovely morning to share a beatdown but also some reflection with the PAX.  Disclaimer was uttered and 5 core principles announced.  No warm-o-rama today..  Today not only is…

Nothing Alarming Here

YHC had HC’ed for the EC loop as well as the usual loop. Well it helps if you turn your alarm on to make it on time. Thankfully the internal…

Head for the Hill (singular)

YHC arrived just a couple minutes before 6 with no other cyclists @ Wawa.  Suddenly 5 showed up all accumulating some EC with a 5AM start – nice work, men. …

I Said Double Tap not Double Dipping

Humidity is back..   7 HIMs + Goob (showed up at the end after running more than I would ever want to) braved the gloom and the unknown consequences of a…


Weather: Many threats of storms, but only high winds and far off lightning, so it was time to reclaim Nathan Benderson Park – It’s great to be back at the…

On the Fly

Weather: Perfect Upon arrival, we were informed that our scheduled Q had jacked his car up..literally.  Somehow a jack was necessary to change a light bulb in his headlights.but I…


Pre-blast: 2:03PM day prior.  7-11 sign image didn’t raise any questions.  A note on mumblchatter: “Don’t HC and not post.  Don’t post and not HC.  JUST HC AND POST!!!” PREP:…