AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 04/08/2022


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Big Mac, Brutus, Callahan, Cat 5, Chesty, Chilipepper, Clutch, Deep Dish, Lancelot, Mrs. Doubtfire, Papa Smurf, Posh, Sir Wallace, SnapShot, Sonic Boom, Spartan, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Brutus

The BackBlast:

9 days late and $4 short.  No long winded Brutus Backblast this time – just capturing the attending pax and the highlights. YHC pre-blasted that something special would happen.  well, that’s all relative.  NBP closed, so the beatdown was held at Dillard’s, or thereabouts.  Extended mosey with the usual butt kickers, nur, high knees, etc., to the middle traffic of 3 circles southbound on Cattlemen from University, which happens to include a large stage for the Christmas decorations that is apparently left up all year.  YHC saw this as an opportunity to increase F3 visibility (at 5:15AM, yeah right), and also to have some fun.

YHC took the stage and instructed the pax to circle up – on the brick walkway of the traffic circle.  Pax complied, and YHC felt like a king on the stage!  Siri was asked for a random number between 20 and 80, and replied with 45.  The beatdown started with 45 SSHs IC, then some of each: Windmills, Squats, OH Claps.

Because there was no script this day, it’s been too long since this beatdown and I’m old, the details are a little sketchy, but the rest went something like this: 20 LBCs, then run a complete lap around the traffic circle, 20 merkins then 2 laps around the traffic circle in the opposite direction.  I think we did some other stuff there too.  Before law enforcement showed up, YHC thought it best to break up this little pax party, and moseyed back to near Dillards in the UTC parking lot.

Once back at the parking lot, 7-11’s commenced.  Something like this: Merkins and Big Boys @ 3 parking lot rows in between, plank for the 6.  One more set of 7-11’s, then run a lap.  I recall at least one more set of 7-11’s was completed, another lap run and return to home base.

Prayers: Shamwow’s platelet count up, Cat 5 mom knee surgery on hold due to EKG concerns, Wolverine dad (Gerald) cat scan results, Olympus travel and family visits this summer – safe travels, Woodford locked down in Peru and BP20 family assistance and comfort provided – F3 IN ACTION!, Sonic Boom – 2YO drowned in neighborhood pool, Goob Grandma health issues.

Thanks to the pax for feeding my ego while on stage :).  Apologies for the delay in posting the backblast.

Let’s do it again!

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