Not That Kind of Present !!!

 Not That Kind

Weather: 70 and worm

A disclaimer and f3 core princaples  was shared and the pax were off for a round of mosey including butt kickers, high knees and ended at the middle of the parking lot where we shared the message for the day of being Present …..  COP included:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Windmills x19 IC. ( keep it Intersanteee)
  • Strawberry Pickers x20IC
  • Merkins x10 single count

It was time to share the message of being present and the idea of the average us male checking his phone at least 120 time a day so in that honor we had to do 6 exercises x 20 each for a total of 120 total.

  •  Shoulder Taps x20 1c
  • Carolina Dry Docks x20 1c
  • LBC x20 1c
  • American Hammer x20 1c
  • Sumo Squats x20 1c
  • Mountain Climbers x20 1c

and if that was not enough , after completing each set of 120 excersises , we had to run to each speed pump and do a choice x20 Merkins / bubbie  and with a total of 6 speed pumps it was 120 total .

Rock music were playing and not without a comments from Ripken  asking if the Q still have a poster of Bon Jovi ” playing a list of all top song of da man Boni…  running 6 times x 1/3 of mile  after completing a set of 120 excersises  proven to long for the slated 30 minutes with only 1 pax going beast mode @ Pincher and the rest completed only 5 speed pumps it was time to get back 6:00 on the dot.


after doing F3 and listing to bing first message of being present I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on life, both on that of my own, and my family .But, what I’ve really come to notice is that too many of us are caught up in events and situations, resulting in an inability to truly just live, be present, happy, and at peace with ourselves

The 3 Steps for Being Present

Step 1: Daily Gratitude /Physical Activity

The first 5 to 10 minutes of your day should be devoted to daily grateful for your creator , for your self for providing and simply just give thanks and appreciate what you have. and start with your physical activity wither its F3 bootcamp or simply just walking or running around the block just don’t fartsack.

Step 2: Limit Distractions

Commit yourself to limiting your distractions during a specific block of time. Pick one small block of time, whether it’s for 15 minutes or even one hour, and turn everything off. This includes the television, Internet, phones, and everything else that can interrupt you. During this time, find something to read that will inspire you or motivate you, or simply spend it with someone you love.

Step 3: Find a Way to Give

Find a way, every day, to give something to someone in need. It doesn’t matter how big or small, and it doesn’t have to involve money. Our most precious asset is our time. Not a single person on earth has more time than the other; it’s the greatest equalizer. Giving your time to someone else in need is one of the best things that you can possibly do. But, this doesn’t necessarily have to be a tremendous commitment.




  1. 12/11 Christmas  homeless mission is coming upon us quickly.  Supplies are being gathered and funds are being collected. Look for information regarding a stocking stuffing gathering soon.  Click here to contribute via PayPal
  2. Looking for an 8th runner to complete the team for the ragnar race … who is going to step up ?
  3. Jingle Bell Run on 12/15
  4. Super Bowl  Sunday triathlon its the easiest if you like to start … get with Ribken


  • Prayers for Mr. Clean’s Mom and family in this difficult time
  • Prayers for injured pax ( way too many on the shelf …ouch)
  • Prayers for our first responders @Zeus,Sniper,Hercules.
  • Prayers for Pax looking for employment.


It was an honor leading group of HIM
