Not 78!

Weather: 70s and mosquito filled

QIC: ShamWow

Pax: Manziel, Mighty Mouse, Bing, Trump, Brutus, Crabcakes, Bambi, ShamWow, Lambeau

5:15 hit, the FNG was welcomed and off we went for a mozi around the parking lot including the usual high knees, butt kickers, nur and carioca.

Today was served up entirely inside of the street hockey rink, including COP which included:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x10 IC
  • Arm Stretches
  • Michael Phelps Swings
  • Trump trips to the throne x2 – on his own

It was time to consume the main course…and no, we weren’t going to honor ShamWow’s 78th birthday again, today was only 75 of each exercise.  Dora style.  Partner up. Partner #1 runs 2 laps around the rink while Partner #2 starts the exercise list.  Each exercise was done to 75.

  1. American Hammers
  2. Peter Parkers
  3. LBCs
  4. Monkey Humpers
  5. Plank Jacks
  6. Mountain Climbers
  7. Right Leg Lunges
  8. Left Leg Lunges
  9. Merkins
  10. Leg Raises
  11. Big Boy Situps
  12. Overhead Claps

A few of the pairings completed the set and started over from the top.  All in all about 2 miles were ran with a great complete set of exercises mixed in. The Echochamber was alive with activity and with echoing all 45 minutes!


  • 2nd F at Rusty Bucket on Wednesday
  • 9/9 Ronald McDonald House 3rd F
  • Triathlons coming up


  • For Gator after getting attacked by bees – he will he happy once July 2019 is over
  • Traveling Pax and traveling families
  • Trump and Barron as they travel up to Boston to visit with Trump’s Mom as she struggles a bit
  • Prayers for the families involved in the shooting in California

Another solid ShamWow beatdown in the books.