Nolan Smackdown

Weather: 60’s and perfect

QIC: Bing

Pax: Big Mac, Sir Wallace, Lancelot, Deep Dish, Crabcakes, Cornhole, ShamWow, Denali, Posh, Mugsy, Olympus, Goob, Chili Pepper, Brutus, Stagecoach, Wolverine, Bing

After a number of pax pre-ran or pre-rucked, or a little of both, it was time to welcome an FNG, share the core principles and then the disclaimer.  With a 1-lap mosey including all the usuals, it was time to circle up for COP which included:

  • Annie Planks x10 IC
  • Wheezy Jefferson x10 IC
  • Pickle Pointers x10 IC (SAY MY NAME)
  • Pickle Pounders x10 IC
  • SSH x20 IC
  • Windmill x10 IC

It was time to splint the pax in 2 teams for the deck of greeting cards YHC had awaiting. 21 cards were placed on the table near the entrance of the school.  Each team would send a runner to get a card.  While the runner was in route, the pax would perform and exercise placed on the card.  Once returned, the pax would have to complete all reps of the exercise listed.  IF the runner leaves early, before ALL pax completed the reps, the team would be penalized 10 burpees.  Amazing how this forced both teams to follow the rules.  The exercises were as follows:

  • 40 SSH in Cadence/American Hammers
  • 30 Monkey Humpers/Freddie Mercuries
  • 20 Diamond Merkins/LBCs
  • 30 Sumo Squats/Lunges
  • Dealer’s Choice/Nolan Ryans
  • 15 Seal Team Sit-ups/Elbow Plank
  • 1 lap around the circle/Shoulder Taps
  • 25 Burpees/Overhead Claps
  • 30 Merkins/High Knees in place
  • 25 Mountain Climbers in cadence/Calf Raises
  • 13 Donkey Kicks/Dying Cockroach
  • 15 Makhtar N’Diayes/Dancing Bears
  • 25 Partner Merkins/Box Cutters
  • 20 Wheezy Jeffersons/Groiners
  • 25 Dips/Annie
  • 30 Hello Dolly/SSH
  • Jailbreak (sprint to the top of the tower and return)
  • 20 Bobby Hurleys/Overhead Claps
  • 20 Goofballs/Seal Jacks
  • 15 Mike Tysons/Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 22 Peter Parkers/Parker Peters

It was a great competition, but it appears team 2 had sticky fingers and helped themselves to Team 1s stack of cards while the executed a jail break.

Next up was some Captains Chair while the partner would bear crawl the hall 4x.  Flip Flop and repeat 3x.

Next up was 3 rounds of descending testicles. In balls to the wall position, do 5x merkins.  Second round 4x, third round 3x.  MODIFY AS NECESSARY.

After a short mosey back to the parking lot, it was time for a cadence count round of mary including:

  • Burpees x10IC (thanks Posh)
  • Michael Jacksons, oh, you mean Freddie Mercury x10 IC (thanks Olympus)
  • and two others that are slipping my mind right now.

Always an honor to lead such a great group of men.  Thanks for following my lead on this great gloom.


  • Night to shine
  • Super Hero 5k
  • GrowRuck Florida April 3-5


  • Those pax helping step up to coordinate GrowRuck
  • Injured Pax
  • Pax struggling with emotional battles (lifting you up Bubbles)
  • all traveling pax

Praise goes out to Bubbles and his continued transparency with his struggles.  We all have the chance to use the pax for support and Bubbles has shown the courage to do so.  Pax are encouraged to reach out to those who have fallen off the radar for an unknown reason.  Make sure they are okay.

Always and honor and pleasure.

~Bing Out