Ruck’n in Paradise

Good Morning F3 Suncoast! Paradise in Florida in the Winter and it is 66 degrees and with 19 Mph wind that is steady and borderline cold this morning and I have heaters in tow (Rucks a.k.a. Heaters)…perfect for a morning beatdown.

Friday morning at NBP and the Tower of Terror in Sarasota will come into play today. Once again the temps are a cool 66 with the high wind advisory that have produced Tornados, rain and the closure of the Sunshine Skyway bridge.  This should prove to add an additional degree of difficulty this morning for the Gloom I have planned for the Pax. So here we go!

Opening Ceremony: 0515 and we are ready to go. We have no FNGs this morning or any Pax traveling from out of the Suncoast area.To start our morning, since we have some H.I.M.s here in a circle, I ask who can give me the first core principle for F3. And Tig volunteers, tries, stutters, fails and we do merkins because of it. This of course leads to an enthusiastic number of Pax members tossing the core principles out there. We soon get all the core principles out, we have our disclaimers, and what will take place today.

The Thang: Simple but not easy lies ahead for the Pax this morning. I explain what will take place and then we head out. The goal is to cover as much ground as possible, hit the tower, CoP and then finish up.

We ruck up and start to slowly double time to the bridge. We do an Airborne Shuffle and the pace is set by the rucker who has the additional weight. At our first distance stop the “Rucker” performs squats while the Pax does Flutter Kicks. We change the exercises often focusing on squats, lunges, a new Lateral Interval Squat I introduced that drew all kind of mumble chatter for the ruckers and for the rest of the group, Dry Docks, Merkins, Hello Dollies etc.  We switch rucks and start to run again and when we stop we perform the squats for the rucker and provide an exercise for the team members. This continues over and over again as we cover ground. We stop at the base of the tower and we form a circle, dress right dress the Pax and the go into the the CoP (Circle of Pain). We get into the squat position and hold (Electric Chair) and we pass the rucks all the way around to the left. You must be in the Electric Chair position if you do not have a ruck in your hands. We do a few rounds trying to get faster and engage more core and then switch directions.  Next we ruck and run again.

The group maintains a good pace and momentum while exercising and switching the rucks quickly to keep the intensity high and morale positive amongst the Pax. We get through a solid 1.5 miles and have made 10 ruck changes. Time to drop the rucks and do some drills with the Pax. I line up the Pax into two columns, spread the four rucks out into distance measurements and then perform the exercise they are to follow. It goes like this: Bear Crawl, Alligator Merkin, Bear Crawl, Alligator Merkin, wait on the six doing dips. Time to go back the other way so now we make it Frog Jump, Hillbilly Lunge Walk, Frog Jumps, Hillbilly Lunge Walks and do more dips while we wait. Ruck up and you guessed it, “Jailbreak!!” up the tower we go.

At the top of the tower we form two columns, facing each other I direct everyone to get on their ‘4th point of contact” there butts facing each other and scootch close. We will now do a Big Boy Sit Up and pass the rucks across to your battle buddy who will perform a Big Boy Sit Up and then hand off the ruck again, very much in a see saw action for a 10 count. Next we do the same but we perform American Hammers and then pass over the bag. This is my Battle Buddy CoP (Circle of Pain).

The wind is very strong so staying low has its benefits for sure.

We get our headcount this morning at 18 H.I.M and everyone survived and excelled this morning!


  • Grow Ruck is coming think about attending a function and take the challenge.
  • Night to Shine tonight please register and volunteer. Myself and the M are BUddies for the event, see you there.
  • Next Saturday is the SuperHero 5k, we have 37 on the team let’s raise the number. Come out and run!
  • Get ready the season is here for 5K Races, Spartan, Go Rucks and all sorts of activities to continue strengthening the mind, body and fellowship in the Suncoast PAX
  • Please contact me for discounts on Go Ruck for the GrowRuck, for OCRs and Go Ruck events.

Praise and Prayers:

  • For Ripkin’s and Trane’s M and family
  • Pax members in need and in pain
  • First Responders, LoF and our Military

Thanks again everyone for coming out this morning and remember, “If you keep on doing what you’re doing, you will keep on getting what you get, Embrace the Suck!! AROO!

Coop out