Nolan 4 Corners

Overcast 66 with 100% Humdity and a slight drizzle

12 Pax joined CrabCakes for his VQ at Nolan on this fine Wednesday morning.   This might have been the first beat down in a long time where the temperature was lower at 0600 than it was at 0515.

The PAX started with a 2 lap mosey around the parking lot which included high knees, butt kickers and a sprint.  Following the mosey the PAX circled up for SSH’s I almost made it without screwing up the count…..time for more practice at home, Strawberry Pickers and forward/backward arm circles.

The Thang:

4 separate stations….3 focused on separate areas of the body and the 4th offering slight recovery.   Each station had 5 exercises with increasing counts.  PAX was to start at station 1 and do the 1st exercise then sprint to station 2 and complete the 1st exercise then run to station 3 and complete the 1st exercise then sprint to station 4 and complete the 1st exercise.  The PAX then ran to station 1 and repeated the process with the second exercise and continued this until 5 laps were completed.

PAX that completed the 5 rounds were instructed to rinse and repeat until 0600.

Station 1

Merkins 10

Incline Merkins 15

Decline Merkins 20

Tricep Dips 25

Wide Merkins 30


Station 2

LBC’s 25


American Hammers 35

Flutter Kicks 40

Hello Dolly 45


Station 3

Squats 20

Monkey Humpers 25-after all it is Humpday

Lunges 30

Bobby Hurley’s 35

Calf Raises 40


Station 4

Moroccan NC’s 30

SSH’s 35

Overhead Claps 40

Michael Phelps 45

Plank Jacks 50



Mr. Clean and all PAX that went to RMH.  Great event and well organized

Ripken’s business partner had successful surgery


Prayer Requests

Ripken’s M  and her Dr’s appt

Trump’s Great Uncle quadruple bypass surgery

All the children at RMH

Police, Fire, Military and all other first responders

Those having a hardtime physically, mentally, emotionally at this time of year

Thanks to all who came out this morning for my VQ.  I enjoyed being in your company.
